Friday, November 8, 2013

IDIOT VIRGINIA VOTERS ELECT TERRY McCauliffe ?? Do they Even know who This Total Jerk is ?? ( Fat Pig re-elected in Jersey too ),..

Our Country is so Lost and out of control now that the Democrats can literally pick and Shape the "Gop's" Candidates of tomorrow ,..and virtually who, when, and however they want,..

And it looks to me like they picked a Fat Pig Loser named Christie from Jersey to run against Hillary 2016,..

And the Fat fuck will Lose too ,..

Jersey Voted for the fat heart attack jerk now,..

But they won't vote for him tomorrow in 2016,..

Just the same as Massachusetts didn't vote for Slick Willard the Wiley Rat in 2012,..


IT'S FUNNY How the Dems really didn't spend any money or really 'try' against Christie the robust Retard from Trenton ,..

Yeah,.. the Dems probably could have sent the ultimate message TO those darn Knuckle-dragging Tea Partiers and they could have 'gotten out the vote' and or ran more good ads , etc,..against the Fat Boy,... and spent more money too,.. maybe even rigged the polls and the ballots - like they usually do,..

But they didn't want to,..



'Cause they know that Hillary can easily beat this schmuck,..

Hillary won't easily beat a Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio,..

But,..yes,.. She'll beat the Fat Man,..

She'll bitch-slap the fat idiot !

And you just know that in 2016 and beginning in Iowa that the Gop will self destruct ,..just as they did in 2012 as they tore each other apart,..

Our Country has changed,..

We have tons of illegals voting ,..and often voting three times or more,..

It's gonna be harder and harder for the Gop to win tomorrow ,..what with our growing Welfare State and places that are dark blue on the grow from Minnesota to Wisconsin to California to Maine and beyond,..

I think a ticket of Rubio / Cruz is the only way,..

Christie / Trump won't do !!

We need to run brown Spanish people if we are going to win,..

Running North-Eastern White guys ( or from elsewhere too ) ,..won't work any more !! 

There aren't enough white people now,..

We've aborted and birth-controlled ourselves away ,..

And Just as the Liberals planned long ago ...and before 1973,...

And speaking of Liberal Douchebags,..

Take a look at the Grand Theft fiasco that was the Virginia election this past Tuesday where they elected that FRAUD ASSHOLE TERRY McCauliffe over the Gop's feeble, pathetic, and inept challenger ,..some clown named Cucci-whatever,..

Democrats,... worried about a repeat of 2009 and 2010 Tea Party massacres ( think Scott Brown ),.. descended into Virginia and armed with tons of illegal voters galore ( and of course probably the usual fraud like Fairfax County ) ,..and they won an election where President Obama is polling approvals in the high 30's ??

Where gas prices are high and foreclosures and inflation are rampant ,..  

Where we are losing wars and just barely missed a major one in Syria ,..

Where we still have massive unemployment and a disaster stagnant economy,.. never mind the folly of the Obamacare roll out and website and all,..

They somehow won an election in a place like Virginia up against a once again heavily organized Tea Party and Gop Voters galore who were out in a "Strike Force" mode Nov 5,..

It didn't help the Gop,..

They Lost.

And Many are scratching their heads today,..

Just like Nov 2012,..

Yes,.. I guess these days Good ol' Virginia ain't the smart bulb place it used to be,..

Maybe they bought into the nonsense that the Government Shut-down was caused by the Gop and not Harry the turd Reid,... yeah,..maybe they really 'are' that stupid ,...

They elected a well known fraudster who turned a 100 $ buck investment into like 80 zillion dollars or somethin' like that,.. A very corrupt and scandal plagued Clintonite Fundraiser who sports a hella' tonsa' baggage galore,.. yeah ,..they elected this creep anyway ,..

Yeah,..the Tea Party was charging the polls hard,.. but they are clueless and way behind the times now,..

Because ( But ) the Democrats now have an easy organized plan,..Yeah,..they got lots of Huffpost commenters and phone-callers and phoney bloggers and fake polls and planted puff news stories and stand up comedians and  all that shit, hip hop and lame ass bands galore for our young,..

But they've got cities that they can concentrate on and counties too ,... They got places around our map like Miami Dade and Philly and Detroit and Los Angeles ,..and oh yeah ,... Fairfax Virginia,.. too

It's actually a pretty easy strategy too,..

Yeah,..they got plenty of dumb and young chick voters who vote with their vaginas ,..but what they also got is robo calls and massive 'get out the vote' bussing campaigns in various cities and areas ,..and they know how to work it,..

And it's actually pretty easy too,..

They scare the minority folk into hating that evil whitey man,..

As they get the twerpy pimply wuss young college white kids to easily think ( and vote ) their way ,.. and with simple dumb tricks,.. and yeah ,..spouting off about Gay Marriage and Abortion and Legal Marijuana crap ,..doesn't exactly hurt their young and dumb vote,..

Hey,..the Democrats ( and often well behind the scenes ) have found ways of telling YOU WHAT YOU ARE AND WHICH CATEGORY THAT YOU'RE IN,..


And young people are gullible and impressionable and their vote is pretty easy to get,..

For the Repubs and the Tea Party,..the process is much harder,..

They gotta build you up that you're educated and smart and teach you where your tax dollars are going ,..and who wants to raise it and who wants to lower it,..

it's technical ,.. and it's tough,..

All Democrats have to do is play you some Hip Hop and give you some weed and tell you to call them if any one 'bullies' you ,.. and well,'s about that easy !!

It's sad,.. Because Democrat People are the biggest thugs and the biggest bullies,..

They are the ones who picked on you probably when you were a kid,..

It wasn't some Mormon dude ,..or Evangelical Guy,..

Anyway,.. back to Virginia 2013 ,...a race that could have easily been won by the Repubs ,..but WAS Lost,..

Yeah,..there was some fraud third party candidate "Libertarian" on the ballot that there always is,..and who sucks votes away from the Gop,... and later we just about always find out the guy was funded by some big out-of-state Democrat,.. but I'm sick of bitching about those,..

Forget the Losertarian who took 10 %,..

The Gop needs to massively go Latino and return to it's Christian roots like it did in 2000 with Bush ,..or it is gonna Lose again and again ,..And it needs to stand up tough and not suck up when challenged ,.. ,....

And right now,... Rubio and Cruz need to go get Ordained and if ya know what I mean !!

Still,... With all the bad swirling around Obama ,.... I really wonder how the Democrats actually won this election in Virginia ,..

An Election where they were supposedly up in all the "Polls" the whole time and by like 9 and ten points but ended up just barely winning in the end,..

Yeah,.. it looks like a lot of Gops will be moving from Virginia soon ,..over to West Virginia ,.. which has become the New Gop stronghold,..

They're not gonna like Terry's Tax increase ideas one bit,..

Sure,..Terry the Terrible will have to deal with a Current Gop Dominated Legislature,.. One who will roll over when some Judge that Terry the creep picked  tells them to eat shit,..

Yes,.. Virginia is in for sticker shock once they get a few months taste of Terry that will make the Obamacare small print look like nuttin' honey !!

But Virginia has young college kids and ghettos out voting ,... they know better than those racist Tea Party Flat Earther Birther Weenies !!


Notes: Carpet-Bagger Terry the Creep better know that he can always be recalled ,... and someday, I predict HE WILL BE !!

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