Saturday, November 17, 2012


WASHINGTON – The outcome of the Nov. 6 presidential election shocked almost everyone, with very few analysts expecting Barack Obama to win so decisively and to take so many of the “battleground” states that seemed to be pulling toward Romney.
But then the reports of voting irregularities started leaking out, then gushing out – like the 59 different Philadelphia voting divisions in which Mitt Romney received zero votes compared to Obama’s 19,605. And the Cleveland precinct in which Obama beat Romney 542 to 0. (In fact, Romney received zero votes in nine Cleveland precincts.) And in one Ohio county – widely considered ground zero for the election – Obama received 106,258 votes from 98,213 eligible voters – an impossible 108 percent of the vote. And that’s just the beginning.
WND is compiling a list of reports documenting voting irregularities and apparent fraud during the 2012 presidential tabulation. These reports include:
The Market Daily News reported on those 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that on election day gave Romney zero votes, and Obama got 99 percent. “In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less,” the report said. “One would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there.”
According to, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced a “head-spinning figure,” not one vote for Romney. “The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence,” the newspaper said.
A poll watcher told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators. It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”
Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum told WND as an equipment manager for the elections system, he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.
Another poll worker, this one assigned at the University of Michigan, reported to WND a list of irregularities, including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings. “I was only standing there and looking at voter documents,” she told WND. “It was clear that what bothered him was my very presence.” She said a short time later a young man arrived and identified himself as a Democrat poll challenger. “The first time he said anything was to object to my challenge of a voter. He tried to anger the voter by telling her ‘She does not believe you are who you say you are.’ He was trying to create a scene. It then happened again and I told him ‘You are not here to challenge me!’ His reply was a very loud ‘Yes I am! You are a Republican and you are here to prevent people from voting. You are holding up the line and creating obstructions,’” she reported. She told WND in fact no one waited more than about 15 minutes to vote the entire day, and there were no obstructions.
And in Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported that election workers a week after the election said they found 963 unaccounted-for ballots – in a warehouse. “How can you lose them? This is terrible,” candidate Chickie Brandimarte told officials. Election supervisor Brenda Snipes, however, said it’s routine for various vote totals to be adjusted up until the Nov. 18 final certification.
Also in Florida, residents began demanding changes in the electoral system that handed voters chaos, frustration and delays at polling stations. The Florida League of Women Voters and other groups are demanding from Gov. Rick Scott a plan to draft reforms for the state’s elections.
Fox News reported that voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.
At the White House website, a report in the Examiner explains, there was posted a petition seeking a recount of the race. “In one county alone in Ohio, which was a battleground state, President Obama received 106,258 votes … but there were only 98,213 eligible voters. It’s not humanly possible to get 108 percent of the vote,” the petition claims.
Fox News reported that two election judges were replaced after illegally allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.
The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than 20 percent of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible. “In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population,” the report said. And, it said, in 31 other counties, registrations are above 90 percent of the population, “a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts.”
Fox News also documented how Senate candidate Wendy Long, an attorney who was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, recounted her voting experience. “A poll worker who was at the scanner studied my private ballot and proceeded to tell me that it was rejected because I did not ‘fill in every space.’ She then proceeded to indicate that I should mark the Democratic line all the way down.”
On YouTube was the testimony of a computer programmer, telling the Ohio Legislature that he was able to write a program that would rig elections by flipping the total vote from the real winner to a pre-selected candidate.
The Washington Times reported that officials in Florida banned observers from seeing the absentee ballots being opened and “there was no way to know whether the absentee ballots that were produced were the same ones that were opened, or if all the ballots were produced.”
Human Events claimed Ohio voters who are native to Somalia were being given a slate card saying, “Vote Brown all the way down” – an apparent reference to the Democratic senator.
The Washington Times reported its suspicions of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, including that “in Philadelphia, the [New] Black Panthers are currently standing outside polling booths, intimidating voters just like they did in 2008.” It said, too, that 70 Republican polling inspectors were blocked from access.

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  • If St Lucie had a 141.7% turnout there was definitely voter fraud involved.  It is interesting that the over-vote was 72,159, if I am not mistaken the Obama win in Florida was by about 73,000 votes.  I hope Pam Bondi investigates St. Lucie County's over-vote.  I think a lot of election officials may be charged with voter fraud along with poll workers. 
    I spoke to an attorney during poll watcher training and mentioned in my job I had talked to a couple snowbirds who admitted to voting at home in person and in Florida by absentee ballot.  The attorney estimated that up to 60,000 snowbirds did just that and voted for Gore in 2000.  The 537 votes that Bush won by should have been about 61,000 votes.
    Unfortunately with the election certified in all states, we cannot recount and throw out fraudulent votes, in fact, we have no way to know what votes are fraudulent. 
    It appears St. Lucie County will be a much larger national embaressment in 2012 than Palm Beach County was in 2000. 
  •  It really isn't an election, but as Jesse Ventura says, a selection. The Elite Bankster NWO got exactly who they've selected again. We are owned and have no say!
  • 2 Questions.
      1) would the number of votes in question have changed the outcome?
       2) what will we do if/when the Governor of Ohio certifies the results?
  • 4mercy
    so what's going to be done? Or are we already third world with no voice? 
  • Also, Cuyahoga county, in a suburb of Cleveland.  I voted R/R and know of others who did too.  Many R/R yard signs in the communities.
  • Is there any way to bring things like this to light? I mean you and Deborah have all the proof you need. Romney didnt get a single vote yet you know yourself that you voted for him. How can they just get away with this??
  •  Cuyahoga County, Ohio, I have ten relatives in this county that I know voted for Romney.
  • Yet Romney got 0 votes. Amazing. Proof positive of fraud. What is unthinkable is that no one is speaking up about it.
  • SoLongSong
    This is TOO IMPORTANT to let stand!! We either need a re-vote or SOMEthing. I'm not sure a recount would do it, because there has been so much fraud.
    All signs pointed to a Romney win. Then came election night and nothing made sense.
    It was going to be hard enough to pull this country back from the brink as it was, I can only imagine what it will be like after four more years of this muck. Possibly irretrievable, and a Dictatorship to boot.
  • I know. Ive wondered the same thing. The only REAL answer would be to have another vote, another election so to speak
  • Luckyone10
    How can people claim that there was no voter fraud. Just the fact that in some of the polling precincts Obama received more votes than the number of people registered. Also, it is mathematically impossible that in 59 voting districts not one vote was for Mitt Romney. Someone please explain to me how in one voting county you can end up with more votes for Obama than the number of people of eligible voting age. I don't blame West for being upset and claiming voter fraud, he was ahead the whole election then when he should have been declared the winner they claimed they found boxes of ballots that they claim wasn't counted. No one was allowed to observe the opening and counting of these ballots these ballots supposedly were for the Democratic Candidate, which amounted to a little more than what West was winning by. This is two elections that Obama won because of voter fraud. I want to know what ever happened to the criminal...
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  • So...What will be done  when the world finds that Obama won by fraud??? What then? Does he just get away with it??
  • richardkpalais
    I have been saying EXACTLY what this article from WND has stated from the moment the Election began! It is a known fact that Goerge Sorros, Obummer's biggest backer, owns the company that manufactures, installs, services and programs all of the voting machines used in the election. Naturally, a good number of the machines were all Programmed to reject votes for Romney in favor of Obummer. In this manner, a smaller pre-determined amount of votes came through for Romney and the majoruy of the rest, for Obummer. He STOLE the election in a VERY FRAUDULENT manner and something MUST be done about it. It is imperative that this information be presented to people like, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, the Republican Party, Newsmax Corp., Paul Ryan and as many other influential people as possible! This all proves my point that the PEOPLE of America did NOT re-elect Barack Obummer. He fraudulently STOLE the Election. My expectation and hope is that after a thorough investigation and follow-up, Obummer will be Impeached and removed from Office since he...
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  • richardkpalais
    I have been saying EXACTLY what this article from WND has stated from the moment the Election began! It is a known fact that Goerge Sorros, Obummer's biggest backer, owns the company that manufactures, installs, services and programs all of the voting machines used in the election. Naturally, a good number of the machines were all Programmed to reject votes for Romney in favor of Obummer. In this manner, a smaller pre-determined amount of votes came through for Romney and the majoruy of the rest, for Obummer. He STOLE the election in a VERY FRAUDULENT manner and something MUST be done about it. It is imperative that this information be presented to people like, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, the Republican Party, Newsmax Corp., Paul Ryan and as many other influential people as possible! This all proves my point that the PEOPLE of America did NOT re-elect Barack Obummer. He fraudulently STOLE the Election. My expectation and hope is that after a thorough investigation and follow-up, Obummer will be Impeached and removed from Office since he...
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  • I have a question for Mark Strange Love and other liberals/democrats, since I am a black female who is conservative and Catholic, what does that make me????? Anyone care to answer?????
  • Thank you! I am a Mexican female who is conservative also. The racism in this election is absolutely ridiculous. The candidates were both MEN. There was never any reason do define them by skin color, or the people who support one or the other. 
  • PatriotNC
    No doubt there is voter fraud  not limited  to the democrats but most likely!  I am tired this time as nothing ever gets done to correct the corruption.  My guess is before long it will be so so bad that all parties will find a way to make the changes we need or none of us will want to continue living in America.
  • Guest
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  • maninva
    You know the truth can smack you right in the face and you won't even see are a mindless F&^K
  • CanineCo
    Voter fraud, real or perceived, results in the elimination of voter confidence in our republic.  This is an irrefutably critical issue worthy of serious scrutiny, assessment, and forceful action by government, not "blown off" as some kind of rare aberration.

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