Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart - My Friend - 1969 - 2012.

I've told many people around me that I know Andrew Breitbart,..

And they just about always say the same thing; "Who's Andrew Breitbart ??"

And I am always aghast,...

"Who's Andrew Breitbart ???" I retort in confused anger,..

But it's no use,..

So many folks don't know the Blogger-sphere,..

They may know about Perez Hilton or a few of them,..

But you gotta really "Get it" and be-in-the-know , understand the 'Rightwing' Conservative Bloggers,..

Who Linger out there,...

Andrew was the ultimate trail blazer revolutionary,..

All the talk radio People loved Andrew,..

Michael Savage really Liked the guy a lot !!

Hush Bimbo Liked Andrew,..

I'm pretty sure even ol' Grouchy Levin liked him ,.. too

Hannity completely Liked him ,...

Everyone is in shock today,..

Some are Happy ,...

Ya know,.. those despicable left D-bags amongst us,..

Some are just flat out confused,..

Way beyond shocked,..

Conspiracy theorists are running around now tonight,..

Going from Starbucks to Starbucks,..and from computer screen to screen ,...

Everybody is whispering that 'Andrew was murdered,..'

an' stuff like that,..

and Who knows ??

Maybe he was !!

Andrew was that Important !!

But the thing I liked about Andrew the most was,..

,..He was a G.e. fan !!!!

He loved my music !!

He was one of the rare chosen few who 'Got' The Mighty Greenhouse Effect and Me !!

I'll never fer'get the day I first found out about Andrew The ultimate writer underground Guru Dude,..

It was about 2008 I believe an' jus' by chance I caught him filling in for Michael Savage one day,..

I heard Andrew on the air talkin' about how he is a rightwing conservative and yet he loved punk and alternative rock and bands Like the Ramones,..n' such ,..

He was sayin' how more musicians need to get involved with right Leaning Politics and how important it was and I was like buzzing in my brain goin' ,..'Damn ,...if only this guy knew about Clark the Shark and G.e. !!! That would be an awesome marriage in Talk radio hell !!"

Andrew was sayin' that he doesn't want any of those same old boring typical "Heavy Metal" or Country type people ,..ya know,..

No more schmucks or Buffoons that give us all a bad name Like Ted Nugent or Toby Creep ,...

Andrew was sayin' on the air how we needed punk rock people and underground indie folks - Johnny Ramone types - or as he called it "People with Mohawks but who were conservatives,.." 

"People covered with tattoos ,...but who were Republican up the ass and all the way baby !!"


People back in the South Bay know all too well that Clark the Shark and G.e. were there first and way too long ago with songs like "Star' and "Ben is Dead",..



IN 1992
IN 1988,...

I'm really even before Hush Bimbo himself ,...

Truth is ,.. Andrew Breitbart was a type of Genius,..

But he is no match for Clark the Shark and "Big Teen Dollar$"

,...way Long before him,...

Clark the Shark is the "Original" Andrew Breitbart,... if ya want the truth ,...
Long Long ago,..

Clark the Shark was way too ahead of his time,..

Releasin' that Rock Opera in 1995 n' all,..

Never mind 'Coke Snortin' in 90' and Ben in 91',...

I still think I'm more "in-the-know" even than the Brilliant Breitbart,... I know I am ,..

More than Savage too,..

More than everybody,..

And Guess what else,.. ??

Andrew knew it too,...

After hearin' Andrew's voice on the Savage show that day as I was cleanin' a swimming pool,..,in Oceanside ,..

I went home that night and I googled "Andrew BrightBart" into my Computer's browser.,. I believe it was a day in 2008 ,..probably not 2009,... shit,..maybe it was even 2007 - 'Donno ,..

{ And Note Here; I sat for a half an hour frustrated tryin' to get the guy to say his name again in my truck,... I NEEDED THAT NAME !! }


Up popped Andrew's site,...

I went into it and I emailed Andrew with this big detailed email about my band Greenhouse Effect n' all ,..and about how my politics and his were damn similar in that great way that we rightwingers all love !! I told Andrew about how important I felt I was,... I expected to never hear back,..

Because I send out tons of emails,..

to People Like Michael Savage too,..

and rarely does anyone respond,..


One day,...

about a month later,..

I was drivin' along in my Swimming Pool Cleanin' Ford Ranger Truck,..

When suddenly my cell phone rang,...

I picked it up an' said 'hello' and there was this real low gruff voice that was also kinda annoyingly squeeky that asked; "Could I speak With Clark HEEGGGINS PLEAZE ???"

I remember that I immediately was rather frightened and intimidated by this voice that sounded like a mob hit man !!

It was Andrew,...

I had pretty much forgotten about the guy, his website, and that day I heard him with Savage missing,..

But immediately, I remembered everything Quick !! My brain came alive out of the doldrums of my Pool Cleaning routines,..


Back at that time,..

Andrew was still pretty much underground,..

He was known for the Huff Post and Drudge,.. n' things,.. but

....This was Long before he became that conservative Darling God that brought down Acorn and Weiner,.. Much later,..

He told me that he got around to googling my music and he said it was incredible and that he 'needed' to talk to me !! He was sayin' stuff Like; "Clark - YOU are an important guy !! You are one of the most brilliant people I have ever seen and you should move to Hollywood !!,.. Fraternize with the scene and "Form relationships" which of course a Shark had no interest in,..

{ Note here; I used to Live there, didn't do me much good }...

He was tellin' me how culture was everything and that we need to "Bully the bullies" n' things like that,.. an' He said he loved my other sites too ! And I mean, This guy just struck me as like this complete psycho wacko nutcase dude that even "I" couldn't even understand ,...

It was real Gung Ho exciting conversation,..

And I wasn't that in shock ,...

Or surprised really ,..

I 'expected' something like "this" one day ! An encounter with a "Someone",..

But I was also like "Dude,...I'm stuck in this Pool Cleanin' shit, goin' nowhere -....Jus ' get me a record deal man,..I'm old an' my Life is over bro !!"

It made him Laugh ,..

Breitbert had all this energy and excitement and he was scaring me an' sayin' "I'm goin' to do big things !! I'M GOIN' TO THE TOP !!"

AND I was Like "Well ,..good luck bro"

We talked a little more and then it was over,...

I never thought that I would talk to Andrew again and over the ensuing months an' years i would email Breitbart.Com and got little to no response ,..

Then one day,...

Andrew called again,..

And completely OUT OF THE BLUE !

And this time, He and I talked for nearly an hour and a half,... running up the bill on my cell phone !! I remember that I got mad and I told my wife later  that 'The talk radio guy ran up my bill !! that day !!" ,..I was laughing of course,..

This second time that we talked,... it was all about music,..

We talked about Rush. We talked about Metallica,.. We talked about Weezer and Nirvana ,...  We talked about the Beatles,.. We talked about 'Master of Puppets' and "And Justice for all" ... We talked about how Brilliant Michael Savage was,.. We talked about the Ramones ,.. We talked about Black Flag and Henry Rollins,.. The conversation was so intense ,... We talked about Arthur Lee and Love ,.. and the Kinks !!

Andrew knew everything about music,..

We talked about David Bowie albums,..

We talked about Tucker Carlson ,..

We talked about the Mc5 and the Stooges - this was the most intense part of the conversation of all !!

We talked about John Lennon for about twenty minutes,..

I'll never forget talkin' to Andrew that day,..

It was as if he was tryin' to "Prove" to me he was as worthy as me !!

He told me that I was an awesome drummer,..

he told me that I was an awesome Singer, Songwriter, and Guitarist,... and i was Like ,..yeah dude,.. I KNOW !!




I COULD HAVE talked to Andrew all day,...

I could have talked to him for 8 hours,..

And I sensed he was a real loner,..

at least at heart,..

he wanted to be,..



ME !!!


BUT Most of all,..

he apparently went and did his "homework"

to impress ME !!


,..I remember that before we hung up that day,.. I was Like ;  "Well Dude !! Could you get me on Fox News ?? You got all those connections ,... Hey man ,..Could you tell Hannity and Gutfeld and all those folks at Fox about me and my band ?? !!"

And he just laughed and was like ,... "Hey man ,...I ain't even there yet myself ,... Let me really get in the door first BRO ,...BUT YOU WILL BE THERE MAN !! DEFINITELY YOU FOR SURE - IF ANYBODY !! I''ll see to it that the World hears you !! You are important,..!!" ' You will be Part of it" he would say ,..over n' over ,..

He was soundin' Like he had these Big Graaande Plans" for himself,.. Mainly ,..

..... he never mentioned specifically 'what' but he was always sayin' that "He was gonna do "Somethin' BIG',..


Well, he did,..

And Now Andrew is gone ,...

I never spoke with Andrew Again ,..

And that was Like three years ago or so now,..

maybe Four,..

Not sure,...

Andrew really went places with this Life and people on both the RIGHT AND LEFT TODAY ARE LOVING ANDREW,...

UNLIKE the way they treat ME, People respected, regarded, and revered Andrew,..

Everyone began to love this Guy - and all of his determination !!

Apparently I guess he was like this big n' tall dude n' all,..

And could be quite menacing ,...

But he kept on impying to me that 'even for him',... it took a long

Painstaken hard ,..


If Ya know I mean ,....

"You have to be vetted and do the ground grunt work" he kept on sayin...

Maybe Clark the Shark just doesn't do that,..

I'm just the ultimate hack who sits here in his underware toiling til' 4;53 am , my screen,..





Good Bye Andrew,...

We only talked twice,..

But Good Bye,.

My friend,..

-Clark Hagins
March 1, 2012


Notes; There's Douchebags on Twitter hatin' on the Great Andrew today an' they don't understand him AT ALL !!

I'M SURE ANDREW WAS STRESSED and he eventually got a bad Heart ,..and he told me he used to party a lot back in the day ,... So conspiracy people that think Obama and Clinton did it need to give it a rest ,..( It is rather weird that Hush got a threat today though ),... Another Note; Andrew's mind was very active - always thinkin' up creative new ideas ,.. it's another heart killer ( Or Preserver ??),....I also Noticed that Lately, He had seemed more sorta inactive at least for him ,... though he did give some explosive speech at CPAC recently,...

Me and the "Long Live America" Guys who used to be on Am 1000 here in San Diego are sorta friends now and we better stick together,..

One of the Great ones is gone,..


We lost a Legend !!

Andrew was a Passionate and Brilliant man,..

And he fucking Hated Barack Obama and the Democrats,..

with every fiber of his being ,...

Rock On man !!!


Final Note; I wanna know what this so called film Andrew had is all about ,...

Typical Andrew,..

Even in death ,..He is an enigma mystery with a conspiracy,..

of his own,..

,..and maybe we'll all,..



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