Sunday, January 30, 2011

Greg Hagins ; 1954 - 2011 - My Big Brother .....

I remember when My Sister Kathy was murdered in May of 1990...

The Priest at St. Lawrence in Redondo was talkin' about "Professor Death" , if Death is this wise old genius GURU,.. who is the Ultimate teacher,..

Thats because He is,...

Death hits us all eventually...

Some are the lucky ones and they are told that they have "Pancreatic Cancer" and that they have "6 weeks to Live - and Love"..

Theres plenty of time to say prayers for yer own sorry ass..

And Give thanks and Praise to the Lord above,..

Theres plenty of time to beg for forgiveness..

Theres plenty of time to say "I'm sorry" to others and all that,..

But My Brother Greg was one of those who got no time,..

It happened suddenly,..

Sorta like when Tim Russert - that Liberal Dillhole - died,..

Who knows - Maybe Clark the Wise Genius Shark from The Mighty internet Greenhouse Effect Music infamy will get no time or no chance either,..

You just never know,..

Thats why I always try to pray all the time,..n' stuff ...

But I know that even the Good Lord Above  "knows" like Most of you in the South Bay and North County Carlsbad and Oceanside,..

He Knows that Shark is little more than a Mega-Egotistical Self involved and absorbed  Musical Douchebag,..

But its just the way i gotta be,..

Its the Way you've all evolved me ....

I want to be - and even Pray to be - ..One of those little humble and humility filled "Christians" who goes around praising and worshopping the Lord all day and everywhere with a Bible in hand,.. ..

Its just tough for a Super-Talented Big Brain Shark to do,..

I'm the Guy who wrote "Brandy" and "White Black Thang",..I'm the guy who wrote "Ben is Dead" and "Star" and "Coke Snorting" and "A Current Affair" and all,..

And you all always watch,..

Its difficult for me to be humble - nearly frickin' impossible,..

I'm the Guy who really started Grunge Rock n,...all ; I'm the "Real" Kurt Cobain - the dude who the music industry lifted ideas from to build other three piece schmos like Blink, Green Day, and Everclear,.. etc...

We know that Liberals up in Hollywood are Douchebags who steal ideas,.. Thats all they fucking Do for Chrissakes !!

Many around the South Bay, Hollywood, Los Angeles, and North County don't even argue or dispute this anymore,..

But it doesn't matter,..

So what if untalented buffoons like Green Day made Shark's money back in the 90's and got to have children and reproduce,..n all ...

So what if the guy in Everclear is a famous Grunge Guru now,..and that very few people infact even know who a Shark is,..

it doesn't matter 'cause we're not here to talk about Clark Hagins,..

We're here to talk about Greg Hagins and "Professor Death" - Thee Wise and Ultimate Pragmatic "Teacher",..

My Brother Greg wasn't the Greatest Guy in the World,..

And he wasn't the Worst Either,..

He certainly wasn't a well known Musical genius guru like Clark the Shark from G.e.,..

He was MORE than that !

 ......  But I loved My Brother Greg,..

He seemed 'wiser' and 'more knowledgable about the Earth" and everythiang else too,..than me

Maybe he was 'set up' more than me, be this way,..

It doesn't matter,.. now

Does it ?

I love him anyway,..

We had terrible family Drama lately and no doubt this 'stress' contributed to my Brother's early and sudden death yesterday at age 56 in Los Angeles,..

It was so unexpected,..

My Brother Greg was a Great painter / Artist.. ...

He was sorta like an abstract to impressionistic Genius in his own rite - Like most people in my family ,.. (Great Talent is in all of our DNA ! )..

All My Brothers and Sisters are Great Painters and stuff; Especially My Sister Kathy,..

There were 11 of us,..

Now there are only seven left,..

Who knows who is next,..

I tell my family that we all "Gotta Love each other" ,..I especially tell my brother Jeff this !!

We have to ,.. We must LET GO AND get along and love and respect each other - and not do petty things like fight over money - or steal away at,..each other's money,..

We must go to the Lord and Pray - Earn and "Learn" humility before Almighty Christ !! WE MUST,..



They say out ther that Shark must write about Shark because No one else will,..

And just like all of you - Who knows,..
Shark could be the next one to go,..

I Pray not,..

But the Lord Doesn't owe us anything,..

Not even one more day of THIS Earth's Matrix Oxygen...

My brother Greg gave me a job..

He gave me a free place to live,..

this makes me cry when I think back about it,..

My Brother Greg was loved and "Respected" far above me,..

People cared what Greg thought,..

they rarely care what Clark thinks,..

RIP Greg ,..

I'll See you Again and in Heaven, ...I will humbly again be 'beneath' You ,..because You are My Older Brother Forever,..

You have seniority BIG DAWG !!

I always say its not "When" you die or "Where" you die or even "How" you die...

Its where You go "after" you Die,..

Thats all that matters,..

The Lord is a Reasonable God

He forgives,..

Thats what "He" does,..

I'm certain that He forgave My brother for all his Life's Sins,...

A Father of Two,..

Who loved his wife and his life,..

he loved to watch Football,..
He was probobly so Looking forward to the Superbowl,..

When I watch the SuperBowl this year,..

I will think of My brother Greg,..

And I will think of him only,..

I Love you


Jan 30, 2011

Note; My Father Gary Hagins Passed away One Year ago today,..

No Need to even bother to Pray for Gary B.  Hagins,..

He is in Heaven ,.. For sure !!
,..And Greg Too

Jan 30, 2011

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