Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mystery Missile Off U.S. West Coast (California),....'Really Makes ya think ,..Huh ??

By W. Clark Hagins

Yesterday, A Large ICBM Or Minuteman Type Missile (Obviously Sub launched) went screaming into the sky directly up from our Blue Pacific Sea Near Catalina Island,....uh ,..in California..

"near Me,...

to be ex-ackt...

And it makes Me wonder,..

Hey !!
Do all of You remember that day a while back when Some F-18 or F-15 Fighter Jet was racing around the sky over New York with the "Other" AirForce 1 ???

Remember Dat ???? Weird 'chit Happenz in Life,.... You Remember !!!!

Nah,....You Douchebags don't !! C'Mon,....Our Government knows all too damn well (As too does Our Media) ,...that You'se only has a' attention span a' like maybe 15 minutes back,..

Yer too busy watchin' porn er' playin' Video Games,..or maybe Dancin With the Stars or Ellen,.. or the Kardashianz,..

To use yer own brain ,...

Once in a while,..

Yer too busy threatenin' to "Beat sumbuddies Azz" or gettin' a new Tat ...er' ,..somethin' a' that nature,..

Arentcha ???

'Maybe Listenin' to Coldplay in yer headphones too much,...

I Clark the Everlovin' Shark , fortunately,..have gotta long azz memories' dawg !!

An Awe' rememba that Barack Insane O'Bummer was suppozedly completely caught flat footed dat day ya all !!,..

Right now,....ezackly,..a week after the ol' election ,..Barack is over there in India now as we speak,..

So we can't really come down too hard on ol' Big Ears right now,.. This Time !!

So just whut the hell happened here with this so called "Mystery Missile" Last Night ????

There are several theories.

Some say that the ol' U.S. is sendin' out "THE' Proverbial "Message" to "The World" not to mess with us ,.. (And Don't You even get snotty n' thinka messin' with That Barack guy ,..jus cauz' he's over there in 'ol India - YOU GOT DAT AL QAEDA ??? YEAH !! LOUD N CLEAR - TEN HUT !!


DID YA GET THAT CHINA ?? (Uh,.....even though we owe ya a zillion dollars,....)

Some say it was a UFO ????   OOOOHH ,...I can hear the X-Factor Song right now in my head  (So too can you too),..or as they say a "USO" (Sea Based UFO Phenomena),....

Some are sayin it was merely justa' Commercial Jet Airliner ,..... (YEAH RITE !!) -- (Although honestly,..that probably "is" all it was - with a twist of the sunset trick of the light n all)

Some are already sayin' it was a "Dry Run" by Chinese (Or Al Qaeda) "Inner hackers" ,..who have found a way to crack into our military's most Deep Secrets - ooohh ???? !!

Some speak of even a more Darker, scarier inner scenerio; That this was Al Qaedas (Not unlike Major Hassan) who have infiltrated our U.S. military and who are "On" our Subs ,....already ....


Vandenberg Says it wasn't them,...
U.S. Navy says it wasn't them,..
U.S. Airforce says it wasn't them either,...
And Our Trusty Pentagon ??
They were busy playing Yatzi ,.....

Maybe it was a Chinese Sub that was roguely lurking around the U.S. far too close,..(With some Douchebag rogue Chinese General and Captain guys with mayhem on their brains)...
Maybe it was a Russian sub,...
Maybe it was North Korea ? ( I personally doubt that one)
,..Could it have been a Hugo Chavez Sub ??
,..Maybe it was the Mexican Drug Cartels ???

All Clark The Shark "The Conspiracy Guru" from G.e. knows is this,...

,...It was definitely,....


And I wonder,...

Could somebody hack into our Sub based launching Systems ???

How easy would it be ??

How hard is it ????

We Already know that the Chinese have previously tried to hack not just The Pentagon ,...But also Norad too - as well,....


We are always close to BIG war,.... ( I try to warn people all the time but they just keep callin' me a Douchebag)

And the End is always near my friends,...

As a guy Named Morrison once said,...

Don't get too cozy an' think that yer so safe in 'dis world homie

'Like Yer Gonna Live forever,....

'cuzz Nigga ''


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