Monday, October 21, 2019

Hello Epoch Times - Hire me to Write !! Would be awesome !! USE YOUR MUSE !

Hello Epoch Times ;

Your GREAT Company would be wise to hire GREAT people like me to write for you as I see your ads for 
your great idea for a "non left wing" newspaper.,.ALL OVER YOUTUBE, ETC,,..Good luck there with that !! LOL

I know you probably will never respond to me as most emails and or people DON'T ,..and never do,.. AND USUALLY, there are office Left-Wingers ,..behind all things right ,.. especially if it's entertaining in any way ; LOL ,, Your pimply mail staff if you will,.

I've written to Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Hannity, Tucker,,Limaugh, name it over the years,..and I guess,.. people have their lives set and they figure there's no real point in getting back or maybe it never even GOT past the mail room or email,, back office,,lol,., TO THEM AT ALL,..and probably the latter ! #LOL ,,

Anyway,.. there are a lotta great "Rightwing" writers out there and with amazing skills !,..but I don't like to any longer use the term "rightwing" now today , I have discovered that Rightwing and LeftWing are pretty much THE SAME THING! AND ,..many of these people get ignored and or non-supported by "other" right-wingers as righties do not tend to stick together, stand strong, support each other, etc,. IN THE PAST,....only in very recent times, have righties learned in the teens DECADE  now today ,..that they "Have to" stick together against lefties now and at all cost and out of pure media electronics,..situations ,..where the Left attacks all as ONE ! NO LONGER 'CAN' Righties afford to compete and laugh at each other now,.. they see the new Electronic left of the internet means business; SERIOUS BUSINESS NOW,..AND WITH WACKY WILD THINGS LIKE IMPEACHMENT, MARCHES IN STREETS WITH ANTIFA, ETC,. and the occasional "Cast off" Rightie ending up at a Cnn or Msnbc like say ,..S.e Cupp, lol,.

ANYWAY,..I AM THE REAL THING,..the Real Deal that is out there, ..I write,.I blog,..I do Music,..I invent and create as so many conservatives out there do,..only to have their ideas stolen by Liberals in Hollywood, etc,. as they are ignored by other rightwing organizations and media ,..Like Fox, etc,..

I've been screaming from the  mountains and the rooftops for years and few listen beyond the family or friend / stranger ones who say things like "You're nuts and need help" LOL to the occasional little almost useless "agree-er" out there,..who comes a long once in a while,. 

OF COURSE What I AND WE  see is Conservatives and so called "Rightwingers" tend to be very afraid and timid,.. they badly wish and want to "Keep up appearances" that they are normal, have friends, hang out with liberals,.. they don't want to offend family or loved ones, or seem crazy,..which usually manifests itself into one lone Conservative just finally losing it and going nuts at places like Facebook and ig , fed up with everything,..not caring anymore,.. and ultimately just ; SCREAMING AT EVERYONE ON THERE,.. as they have little to gain or lose anyway anymore,..


IF YOU guys 'are" really legit Wingers,..You will contact me and guys like me out there who take the time to email, call ,..and or contact you ,.,.AND YOU WILL WANT TO SIGN ANY AND ALL OF THEM ! AND JUST RE EDIT AND CLEAN UP WHAT THEY WRITE; YOU NEED MORE IN THIS BATTLE ,,NOT LESS ! LOL,... Things Like impeachment are only the beginning With today's New left,..the tip of the proverbial Iceberg ,..and if you will !!

If you just wanna hire good lookin' chicks and babes and tall people WHO DRESS NICE and feel accepted,..and,.. with college degrees, can just be like Fox News, ,, see where that get's ya,,

Clark Hagins
Writer, Blogger, Musician , Poet, creator , Non-Conformist, Pragmatic
Inventor , Artist, originator !!


I can be very extremely useful in the battle against the Left, as a Musician, I can also talk endlessly about the Bias in Hollywood at the MUSIC INDUSTRY AND RECORD LABEL LEVELS !!,LOL , a person with musical talent who couldn't get arrested !! LOL

I LIKE TO NOW JUST CALL IT ; "Right" or "Correct" people vs. "Wrong" or "Leftwing" people,..or Rightwing depending,

You guys should REACH OUT AND OR contact AND PAY MONEY TO PEOPLE LIKE MARK DICE ON YOUTUBE AND OTHERS LIKE HIM LIKE SKILLED PEOPLE LIKE TRUMP MAFIA, ETC,.. if you don't already !! These are "Artists" with talents ! You should "Hook Up" with the likes of Alex Jones and others,.. there are mini-Glen Becks out there Galore,... I am giving you great ideas here !! There are low hanging fruit for the Epoch times to EXPLORE EVERYWHERE ,...IN THE CONSERVATIVE AND LIBERTARIAN COMMUNITIES !!

IT IS UP TO YOU !! TO BE A LEADER !! and listen to people like me ,..or are OUT THERE !

--- CLARK 

Yes,... Libs still control the narrative that those wingers are all "Crazies" lol,.. 


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