Thursday, November 12, 2015

TRUMP BETTER START SPENDING SOME OF HIS TEN BILLION ,... Or Dr. Ben and the Libs ( and Establishment Gop Ghouls ) are gonna upend him ,... eventually ,..

The Republicans had another Debate Last Night ,...

Ho Hum,..

Yeah ,..and this one ...and Going in ,.. seemed to have the Least interest of the four so far ,.. and quite a sharp decline ,.. 

,..but that's to be expected ,.. these things do get old ,..

Our Media is trying - and doing a pretty good job - of 'convincing' all of us idiots ,..that some guy named Ben Carson ,..uh , apparently the new guy that everybody now Likes,..

And not the Trumpster ,..



BEN CARSON is as boring and sleepy as you perceive already ! And Just as SNL depicts.,..

Sure,..he might make a good president someday ,..but no way - in reality - does this guy contain the celebrity, money, big crowds, and all the other goodies that THE DON has displayed ,.. and has been doing well now for many months ,..

But maybe , they say ,..the Don has peaked way too early ,... maybe the Don is now getting a bit stale, too predictable ,.. and somehow lost his flavor of the month politically ,..

Seen that ,..been there,..Done that,..

But yeah ,..the Don is in some form of mild decline lately ,..and yeah : U CAN SEE THAT ,.. AS CAN I ,.. and glaringly ,..

YA SEE,... The Don isn't spendin' much of his 10 Billion Bucks ,.. and it's a ,..causin' issues n' shit,..

Problems ,..if you will ,..

This guy needs to carpet bomb Iowa n' shit ,..with like Ads galore ,.. he needs to attack Carson ,..not just Rubio and Rosie ,..

Plus ,..for all his apparent expertise in so many thangs ,.. which he rules ,.and as he will be the first to tell ya ,.. the Don ,..uh,..seems to not really know positive  advertising that well .,... I Clark the Shark took some nowhere rock band that was sittin' in my drawers for like 20 years and made it like really big on the web a few years ago ,..and with just like real semi-modest propaghanda stuff n' tricks ,..up to the point where briefly ,.i was signin' a few autographs circa- 2008, 2009 and 10' .,.,..I know what it would entail , help the Don,... but apparently the Don does not ,..he who once ruled ratings at NBC n' all,..

Now,..the Don has zillions of dineros ,.. but he can't seem to bat away that pesky Dr. Ben ,..

I see now that the Don is as Greedy and tight as many have claimed in the past,..

BUT ,.. the Don had better get with it ,..

He better start spendin' that War-chest,..

,..or Uncle Ben , boring and tedious as he is ,.. just may make life miserable for Donald the dummy !!

AND BELIEVE ME ,... Our mainstream media and the old guard of the Goofy Gop are working overtime together to oust ol' Trumpy from the scene ,...

The Don better know that !! And know it WELL !! 

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