Saturday, June 20, 2015

TRUMP Seems like "The One" ,...He's the only guy in the Bunch who tells LIBERALS TO GO GET FUCKED !!

Donald Trump is a Douchebag,..

The guy is a boorish nutcase who blabs whatever happens to be on his mind at the moment,..

He is rarely afraid,..

Michael Savage likes the guy and he seems to like Savage right back too ,... while virtually ALL of the media carefully ignores Savage like the little whiny wussy Cowards that they are,..

Kung Fu Hannity even ignores Savage,.. Get a load o' that,.. Mr. Bruce Lee himself of the Rightwing is a afraid of a 'little ol' 5'4 dude from the 60's hippie scene,..

But Not Trump,..

He embraces what little that he fears,..

In this era today where little creeps like talentless Greg Gutfeld think they're funny, Trump dances with that devil who dabbles in Psychological nudity ,..

and Lets be honest, Just about all of this massive field of GOP Losers are stiffs and stuffed shirts,.. there is very little personality or humor anywhere,..

Marco Rubio is dull ,..I used to like the guy a lot ,..but he flips and he flops on new shit every week 

Rick Perry just won't let go and let it all hang out ,.as he puts his foot in his mouth constantly with gaffs ,...

Ted Cruz is awesome ,.. but sorta like Mike Cotton,..he is a draggy orator ,..who stumbles as he tries to be an 80's style Christian Preacher and politician at once,..

The 2 Wisconsin Stiffoids both have zero chance of ever winning anything on a big level so it's pointless to even talk about 2 white guys from a North Midwest area in a country now that is quickly going Brown ,..

I see Maxwell Smart is back from Pennsylvania and also there's another Bush creep in the mix who thinks he can do it but won't accept that it's actually really hopeless for him,.. plus a lotta other schmucks have joined in here ,..

So that leaves,.... THE DONALD,..

NOW,.. the Don is "Not" a politician ,..and that is both Good and VERY BAD,..

WE - HERE IN AMERICA ,.. WE know the Don ,..and know him well ,..of course from lots of things ,..but a hell of a lot of it has to do with his "Apprentice" Show from NBC ,..or where-ever,..

Now,..the Don is an odd case,..with a very aggressive and maybe calculated style that is weird in politics today ( and yesterday too ) ,..He will attack anybody verbally and very vicious too ,..He don't mess around ,.. Just ask Rosy O'Dumb-bell and a few others too ,..

He makes the fairly sturdy Rick Perry look very weak in comparison ,.,

He has way more bite than Marco Rubio who can also get nasty too when he wants,.. and Note here: I still think Rubio is the main guy that we got because of the Hispanic Voters thing he will get but Trump seems to me like with his billion$ n' all that he hath the power to overcome anything !! 

Trump is like the closest thing to the mean old Michael Savage that we got !!

He is very bitter, rude, obnoxious ,..and he always controls the room ,..there's no kicking him out of anything , way ,.. he doesn't really get respect so much as he commands pure FEAR !!


ALL OF HIS BAD POINTS are exactly why I ( and You too out there ) ,..Like the guy ,..

And you "Know" it ,..too,..

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