Sunday, January 12, 2014

I'm Glad The Republicans are getting Smart and Getting Rid of Christie Early - Just Look at their New High Tech Savvy !!

The Republican Party never wanted to See a Chris Christie 2016 Run,..

And they ain't messin' around here,..

They are removing this fat menace early here NOW in 2014 ,...So they don't have to worry about him later,..

The Gop has made up It's mind that it wants Marco Rubio 2016 ,..and ONLY Marco Rubio ,..

THEY KNOW THEY 'HAVE' to hit into that Hispanic Voter community ,..

Ted Cruz may or may not be on the under-card as Veep ,..

Hell , ..... it could even be Sean Hannity or Rick Perry or Allen Keys  ,.. for all anyone knows or cares ,..

But clearly, Rubio is our 2016 "Anointed One" just as Obama was for the Dems long ago in '08,.. fer'get all the Hillary drama ,..

( Anyway,.... I don't think the Dems really ever wanted Hillary back then ,..and maybe neither really did Hillary herself ,.. ),..

And I am just amazed at this high tech sophisticated lynching of Christie that the Gop (,..and with a lil' help from Hillary's camp and the Dems ) has going down here.  ( ,..and probably with the full court press money of the Koch Brothers and Trump ,..uh,.. pulling the mighty strings and a' doin' it all baby !! )

It's almost Like maybe Mitt (and Co.) has got his ORCA System finally figured out and a' up and runnin' smooth !!


When this thing begins to backfire on everybody and a feisty Christie begins to emerge a Victor down the proverbial road  ,..the Dems might just try to get cute in a few months from now and try to expose that it was the Gop that did this to Christie ,.. AND NOT THEM !

Who knows ,..

Because I don't think anything here is gonna really work against Christie ,..

This fat behemoth knows how to dig in his heels and he's been elected in a dark blue state repeatedly and like I said before,... He ain't goin' down easily ,..if at all !!

Bill and Hillary Clinton may be just tryin' to show the Gop just what they can do ,..and with all their money,..

Or maybe just Like Weiner and Filner before,..there really IS something to all this and the scandal is really actually 'REAL',... yeah sure it is ,....


NO One gives a shit about traffic jams,..

Not when there's four dead in Benghazi,..

Not even Matt Laure or Dianne Sawyer ,..really ,...

Note: I'm sorry ,.. but I don't Like Christie either ,.. and what they are trying to do to this poor guy right now , doesn't bother me one bit ,.. and if you notice, ... you don't see a lot of Repubs coming forward in the fat boy's defense either ( Where's Rudy ?? )  ,... maybe just some half-hearted banter from Hannity and Fox and a few others ,.. but I say here,..Christie is probably toast ,.. and that's how the Universe wants it ,..

Or maybe Not ,...

Christie is a tough bird ,... and he just might not need the backing of Rush Limbaugh and the white talk radio scene ,.. maybe all of this will just have the affect of him Getting Stronger and exposing Hush Bimbo as the Hack that he really is ,..from his Golden EIB Mic !! 

Final Note: Or maybe ,.. just maybe - The New Gop Neocons in their hidden high tech world ,..ARE A' SHOWIN' US ALL !!


AND WITH 'THEIR' MONEY !! ( And technology ) ......

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