Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney Winning at BOTH Gallop and Rasmussen is NOT GOOD NEWS for Mr. Obama !
Romney's 2 Key poll Leads at Gallop and Rasmussen are Just too Darn Similar !!
It's really Looking Like Voters are about to 'Break for" Romney in the next few days ,...
Today is Wednesday Oct 24, 12 and I would say by Monday, we might or maybe 'should' Know who is Going to win this election,..
There are Several Key places that Mitt Romney is Going to have to take Leads ( And he will ) : Iowa is one - Right now, Many polls ,...including Rasmussen have it a Dead Heat... it should go for Romney by Demographics and the state of our economy ,.. But Obama's Democrats have a strong Presence in the state,.. it could just as easily tilt to Obama ,..I would say that Romney needs this One !
Ohio is a Place that will start to break either way this Monday ,..after the week end which will be the second to Last Week-end before the Election,..
I would say that 'if' Romney goes up by a point or two ,'s Gonna be Romney-Ohio ,..but the same could be said of Obama ,...
Another interesting Place is Wisconsin ,... A Romney Win there seems improbable ,..what with Liberal places like Madison and Milwaukee in it's midst ,... But Don't be one bit surprised if Romney Wins there !! It Could happen because Look : Republicans have survived Mega-Recalls in Wisconsin and So too has Governor Scott Walker ,.. Repubs have been making huge inroads in the Badger State lately ,..the thing that can stop their momentum is all of the 'Youth" vote as well as Hispanic and Black Vote that is in the state,.. Remember though, the Tea Party is Mega-mobilized on the Ground in Wisconsin Big Time !! This one will likely be close ! Maybe too close to call ,...
Nevada: This one I feel will Likely Go Obama ,... But you just never know !! There is a High Gop Presence there ,... and anything can Happen !
I feel this one is Going to Go for Romney ,...Polls have shown him consistently ahead there,.. I see Romney taking this one !
Pennsylvania :
I see this one going for Obama but you never know ,... It's a state with high unemployment that isn't getting any better ,.. High Gasoline Prices, Foreclosures, etc,.. The Keystone State often goes Democrat ,.. but this year, Don't be so sure as Romney has closed in there on Obama way too tight for comfort ,..
Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia :
All of these are going for Romney and this trifecta is Bad news for Barack Obama INDEED !! Democrats have pulled resources out of all three of these states and have toned down their ads there,.. it's a bad slippery slope KARMA SIGN that could spread into other states where the Tea Party smells blood ,.. AND BELIEVE ME THEY DO !!


ROMNEY WINS THE POPULAR VOTE almost certain ,...
, DEMS WILL TRY TO STEAL OHIO ,..AND MAY SUCCEED ,... This election could end up in our Courts for months - No matter who wins ! Or Voters will just give up and go Romney Everywhere ( including Ohio ) and it could be a Landslide style Win for Romney ,.. in a hope to just "Get it over",... The momentum right now is definitely on the side of the Gop ,..and NOT the Dems ,.. the enthusiasm is all with the Right ,..but Obama still has a ton of ads and Money ,...

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