Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Someday, Sick Willard will Break Your Heart.

They warned us about Arnold back in 03'

We didn't Listen.

They warned us about Phil Spectre.

They warned us about John McCain.

We would always just say; "Lets just get 'any' Gop in there !! Damn it !!,...We'll Worry about technicalities later !!"


I'm here to tell you today this;

,..And remember that I said it,...

Someday, Slick Willard Romney will break all of our hearts,...

We've seen this before,..and time and time again with George W. Bush jr..

Rino Repubs who say one thang,..

And then do another,..

And we always wonder why they do this,..

And all the time too,..

Is it because they are trying to 'reach out to the other side'...

And show how "Open-minded" they are,..


That's part of it,..

But alot of it is also that feeling of fairness,..

And compassions,..

It's inevitable as it comes with intelligence,..

And of course we all know that you rarely see Democrats do this sorta thang from their vantage point,..

Democrats know that politics is ugly,..

And they get ( And take ) all they can ,..while they can,..

They're obviously far less intelligent,..

Or are they ?

Mitt Romney is a Democrat really,..

at the core,..

We all know that,..

Who cares if he's a greedy pig capitalist with a ton of cash offshore and on,..

That's not the point or the issue,..

Willard's 'social' crusades have always been about compromise and being waffley...

And some day tomorrow,..

After Willard defeats Barry Hussein Soetoro in 2012,..

You will discover,..

That Slick Willard the Rat is not much different from the Ayatolla King Barry,..

at all

If you thought Arnold and George W were sell outs,..

You ain't seen nothin' yet,..

Just wait,..

For King Willard !!


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