Slick Willard The Gop Rat tried to draw a huge crowd today in Michigan,...
No huge Crowd showed,..
It's starting to look quite worrisome just how unenthusiastic the Gop faithful are towards Willard the Massachusetts Rat !!
People would rather really have Santorum - but they know he can't win,..
Santorum will never be able to attract the Gooey Middle - The so called "Independents" if you will,..
Of course neither Will Cracker Newt !!
Like it or not,....
We are stuck with a Mormon guy ,... that Evangelicals ain't wild about,..
Neither are Catholics,...
We've all heard the wacky stories about Mormons growing up,...
Ya know the stuff,..
They 'ain't real actual Christians' n' stuff like that,...
They're crazy people and plus they're kinda "Like Jehovas Witnesses" types n' all,..
And when you see the stats and how Mitt the Rat ain't ever able to rise above his 25 and 30 % n' all , see quickly exactly the mathematical break down of what I mean,...
As in,...
It's gonna be damn tough for Willie The Rodent to win ,... As in to defeat Obama ,..never mind Tricky Ricky from Amish land ,..
And I don't even wanna go into all the Liberal concerns stuff regarding Mitt,... from his Massachusetts days ,..
BUT I THINK WE ALL NEED TO ANALYZE this clearly now,...
being that this is late February n' all,... 2012 !!
We gotta get some momentum behind Mitt,..
and ,..Personally I don't see how,..
It's just that there is this thing about Romney that isn't good Karma - and it has nothing to do with the fat Land that he's Mormon or has a Liberal background problem ,..
It's some kind of intangible ,...and you can't exactly put your finger on it,...
Yes,... He seems fake and phony Like a used car sales guy ,...but that still isn't even it,...
Truth is,..
I don't know exactly "What" it is !!!
He has Great electability ,...
Yet he has no electibility
, all
Santorum seems really real ,...
it's his strongest quality good thang ,... but
That also might be his worst problem ...
Santorum also comes off as real crazy,..
at times,...
Mitt never seems tough or believable ,..even when he was slapping down Rick Perry in debates - hard !!
You came away voting for Mitt,..
But rooting for practically just about anybody else !!
I hope and Pray that People can see the Light ,..and they will get behind the Rat and back him up ,..all the way to victory some day ,..
but for some reason,...
I just don't think it's gonna happen ,..
No matter 'who' the Gop gets,...
I think that Obama will beat them all,..
Even with ,..
The 4 Dollars and 40 Cent gas at the pump,....
Mitt is gonna have to convince us Gop's that he is a real feisty angry nutcase conservative Tea party talk radio dude,..
or else !!
And that just isn't gonna happen,..
I wish He could and he would ,...
But that just ain't Mitt,..
Never was,..
Never will be ???
Mitt better take off the gloves,..
He has to,..
or he may not even be able to get around one Maxwell Smart from Pennsylvania,.. and get the Repub nomination,..
NOW ,.. Maybe Later too,..
But in the Long run,..
he ain't gonna be able to beat Barry
Think About it America !!
- Clark The Shark Hagins
Feb 24, 2012
Note; If only Cracker Newt was 20 years Younger ( And better ) Right now ,..
And if only Ron Paul wasn't such a complete psychopath,..
If Only Rick Perry had been a little smarter and quicker ,.. and knew how to mix in a dash of Santorumism ,..
If Only Herman Cain had kept his pants zipped up more often ,..
If only Jeb wasn't related to George,...
If only The Donald wasn't a D-Bag,...
If only Marco was ready ,...
If only ,...
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