It seems that 'everyyy-time' Willard opens his mouth, they seize upon it and jump all over the guy,..
They quickly point out to all of us how "Out of Touch" Sicky Willie is,...
The other day, Willard was babblin' about how he knows buddies of his that own Nascars and how His wife has two er' three Caddies in the ol' Garage er' somethin' like that,..
'Really set some folks off,..
It really sucks how Williard is rich n' all and how he's like this self made gazillion-aire while it's cool that Barry the Chicago Creep has us 45 Zillion in debt now,...
And just what kind of schmucks are you peoples out there who are gonna vote for this Lemon President Obama again ??
What are you'se Fuckin' Nuts ???
Are you INSANE ??
Can you not do basic math on a calculator ,..??
It doesn't bother me that Romney is rich,..
And successful,..
I think Romney the Rat is right when he said ; "If you hate success and hard work then vote for Barry the Chicago Charlatan !!"
The facts that Mitt Romney is both 'Rich' and apparently so "out of touch" with the Little guy are not bad thangs ,..
He needs to turn those into strong things,..
I'm not SO sure if Phony Mitty knows how to though,..
Mitt and his SuperPACS are busy all day attacking one Maxwell Santorum from Get Smart-Land,..
But he should now be focusing purely on the Jerk commander in thief we are stuck with currently in our White House,..
Mitt should be out there sayin' its "Good" to be rich !!
It's what we should all strive to be,..
It's what we wanna be !!
He should be boldly exclaiming daily ; "Screw those So called 99% marchin' and occupyin' little creeps CRETINS ! They don't know what they're talkin' about ,..
And Romney sorta 'does' do that,..
Just not enough ,..
Romney the Rat is timid and tepid,..
for the most part,..
Unless he is messin' with Santorum ,..or how he used to with Cracker Newt back when he was more relevant ,..
And what the hell has happened with Newty the Brokered Cracker ??
Where did he go ???
They say now that Newt may just win Georgia now comin' up,..
But I don't think So,..
I think Maxwell Smart is gonna win that one...
I do think we have a Nightmare on our hands if the Massachusetts Rat can't hold on to Michigan today,..
And then Mad Max has a Great Super Tuesday,..
Which I think he might !!
But I don't thinki we should be punishing or making fun of the Rich for being successful and intelligent,..
I wish I was rich,..
I'd much rather be that then sleeping in a cold occupy tent ,..blocking the middle of some street,..
If ya know what I mean,..
What the hell is our country becoming ??
Even the hippies back in the 60's had more brains than we do now ,..
And they were all on Drugs !
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