Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Slick Willard the Rat Somehow Dusts Off Bad Recent Loss, Goes negative, Wins Florida Tonight. Is it over for Cracker Newty The Jerk ???

Clark The Shark is one of the Net's earliest Bloggers,..

9 Years ago - and when Creeps Like Perez Hilton were still sucking their own cocks, I was already online - And blowing your minds with the best damn shit you ever read,...

People can see that I know what i'm tawkin' bout,...

And tonight,...

I'm talkin' bout 'Revenge' of the Sun Soaked Florida Preppie Brigades,..

Cracker Newty got his ass kicked in Florida tonight.

It's kinda surprising how badly it was,...

Or maybe not,..

Mitt the Massachusetts Tall Charlatan snake oil salesman realised after South Carolina that he better go real negative on Newt and in a hurry - if he wanted to keep his Presidential ambitions intact !

Oh,..ol' Mitt the Rat went Negative awe'ight !!

Cracker Newty learned that Winning a primary in a Foreign Cracker Country that is Fat old White man friendly like South Carolina is one thang ,...

But winning in an exterior coastal happy place like Florida ( The California of the East coast ) is a whole 'nother thang indeed ya' all !!

Florida is jus' chock foll o' Weirdo Yuppy Run-o-the-mill schmucks who will fall over each other to vote for Willard the North East Charlatan and his suit cases full of Reptile potions galore,...

And That ain't gonna vote for a fat old white fuck like Cracker Newty !!

or will they ??


Consider this,..

What I discovered tonight,...
With my magical mathematical calcu-lizer ,..

Is this !!

If you put ALL of Cracker Newty's Votes together with Maxwell Smarts ,..and hell ,..throw in the votes that went for the Marshall Applewhitian Manchurian Candidate Crazy Ronald !!

Well ; Voila !!!

Crackery Newty ,..would maybe be the winner tonight in Florida,...for,..

He is some 200,000 Votes behind Willard the Snake !!

And 200,000 More is what he might have got !!

If Get Smart had done the right thing and Got Lost ,..and went and tended to his sick daughter,...

Cracker Newty the Racist would have won tonight !!

Atleast Possibly.

And I feel kinda bummed out right now for Cracker Newty the Creep,..

If the Florida primary would have been "Last frickin Tuesday" and not today ,...and right after South Carolina and all his momentom,..

I'm sure then Cracker Newty and all his poll-leads at the time - woulda won Florida and who knows,..

....maybe even back then, Maxwell Smart woulda finished second to ol' Newty the jerk and Romney woulda' finished third ,..and where he really belonged after that South Carolina massacre,..

Instead,..the whole week that the Charlatan Rat got to regroup was used to rejuvinate ,..oh yeah ,..and to run tons of negative ads disparaging Cracker Newty by the way too !! And from the Panhandle all the way down to the keys and maybe Cuba too !! Fidel probably heard some of Sick Willard's ads,... if ya know whud i means ,..

The timing just happened to have couldn't have worked out more horrible for ol' Cracker Newty the creep !!

And as the week wore on, it became Quite clear,... it was not gonna be meant to be for ol' White Cracker Newty the fat jerk down yonder in Florod'a !!

Now, Florida,..as we all may know,...is a funny place for pol-it-ic-s...

The California of the East Coast has been known for some wacky - and sometimes surprising political thangs and tumoltuous unpredic-'able turns of events,..

We all remember 2000 and Bush v Gore,...

And all that crrrooked corrupt shit ,...

And there's been other crazy shit - vote wise - in Florida over the years too,..

Tonight kinda scares me,..

...because seeing just how many thousands of folks will fall prey to the Massachusetts traveling Rat is kinda stunning !!

Especially when you consider the wake of that South Carolina debackle that Mitt had to eat like a not so tad tasty snack ,..

Now if Barry Soetoro the Commie King Dicatator from Cenesiela thinks it's gonna be easy to beat the Rat from the North East,...

he's gotta 'nother thang comin... !! An' he better think again -

Willard the Rat has a ton o' money ,... no, He may not have a Billion like King Barry Hussein ,... but he's gotta lot indeed !! A HELL OF ALOT TOO !!

Slick Willard the Rat can debate pretty well too as Cracker Newty - AND RECENTLY THOUGHT AS UNDEBATABLE AGAINST - discovered the hard way ,..down thar in Florida over the past week !

Newt had a couple of bad recent debates - Quite unusual for him - and some say it was because he was 'tired',..yeah, they said that a time or two about Rick Perry also ,..back in the day ,...not too long ago ,..

But really,..

It's because Slick Willard the Massachusetts Rat is EXACTLY THAT !!

SORTA LIKE GET SMART, he's pretty experienced and knows where to pick his choice spots to Attack and unfortunately for Newty the Cracker Motherfucker,..Florida happened to be one of the spots that Charlatan Willard the Rat chose !! And he chose to get crazy ,...and he fucked Newt up,... and even worse ,.. He rattled Newt and got him off his game ,.. and message too !!

Newt never recovered from those lousy Florida debate appearances and Mitt the Rat rode it all the way to the bank of the Florida primary Victory tonight,..

...plus all the early absentee voting - and already done from long ago - pretty much had Mitt winning this thang and hands down from before tonight even began this morning ! Ya know ,...we've all been thinkin' of the Rat's "Inevitability" n' all,..and fer' so long ,.. ( And Note Here; This is just one more reason why i hate early voting ) ,.. ( They never knew about South Carolina - I guess that can be good 'and' a bad thang ),...

I really think that Newt should just drop out now,.. I think it's clear he can't win it ,...

I think Maxwell Smart is about to drop out now,...

Yeah, we all know Crazy Ronnie from Heaven's Gate ain't ever gonna drop out and infact will likely go third party,.. ( he's in single poll digits currently  ,..is this enough to Help Barry and hurt the Rat ?? Hard to tell right now ,..but it's not a good thang ),...

I sorta wish The Donald Trump would come back to the race,..

I'd like to see Trump With Rick Perry Vp....

I don't wanna see Slick Willard the New England Rodent !!

But it looks like that's who it's gonna be,...

And it looks like that 'who' we all must support against King Barry the Chicago Jerk Off,..

Cracker Newty can only win in his white cracker conclaves,... Oklahoma, Alabama, et all '....

he should do his math and know and see that by now,..

Unfortunately, the Massachusetts Charlatan is all we got now,...

Cross your fingers fellow Gops and America,...

And take our best shot at the hockey goal of defeating King Barry the Illinois Tyrant ,...

Its probably gonna be wide,...

To the Left ,...

- Clark Hagins
January 31, 2012

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