Newt Gingrich and Fox news aren't completely Stupid.
They both know damn well that there was almost no way 'anybody' could Lose to Barack Obama comin' up this November '012,...
That is,..
Unless some incredibly bad SMART ALEC candidate comes along and mangles up what was once the unstoppable Mitt Romney,..
We all know now who that incredible boob is,...
And of course it's ol' Newty the Creep !
Mitt Romney is a Moron,..
'the Frickin' guy was taylor made to grab the idiot vote easy ,..Plus all the Gop Vote,... the independent Vote, etc,.. AND LOCK, STOCK, AND FROCK !!
BARRY the commie creep was not gonna fare well against the tall suit n' tie Slick-Talking buffoon from Massachusetts once this ol' thang gotta rollin' one on one style ,..,..and out there on the plains from Ohio to Iowa to Colorado and back to Missouri,..
His Mormon thing was an issue ,..yes indeed,..But in time, woulda been smoothed out,.. ,..well , we all hope (d),..
But out there lurked a Suddenly converted to Catholic and calculating creep in the mix of time matrix,..
Yes,.. and
Oh ,..but along here comes the official; "real" "Gop" dude,..
The guy to go up against the "Gop establishment",..
And you just knew he was a' comin'...
We all thought it was Ron Paul,..
Nahh,... ( Note Here; I never did )
he had the makings of the ultimate spoiler ,..
But Newt has jumped in and made this thing too uncomfortable serious folks !
We had an easy win in 2012 with Romney against the Douchebag from Chicago with the 19 Trillion dollar$ in debt,..
We don't have it anymore !
We had Obama packing and headin' back to Illinois ( Or Hawaii Or Connecticut ) ( Or Indonesia Or Kenya ),..
Where ever the Fuck the Jerk is from ,...
But not anymore,...
Now we have Newt the Jerk-off from 1994 back again ,..
Newt - The guy who resigned n' all ,..right after the 98' election where the Gop didn't do so good ,...
Sure, Newt did great things long ago,..
But we all doubt seriously,..
That he can do them again now.
Newt is aging now today and old,...
He is a Fat Oaf Old White Gray haired man,..
If this were a shirtless beauty contest,... Newt Loses to not just Romney and Obama,.. and Maxwell Smart from Pennsylvania ,..
But he would be tied for Last with the fossil named Ron Paul,..
And forget that Newt and Ron Paul are old for a second,.,.
These two Wacky guys got much WAY worse problems and baggage than just that alone !
We all have heard Ron Paul's MYOPIC spew of his crappy foreign policy ideas,..
No wonder the guy is startin' to fade officially into that quiet night. ( He finished dead Last in South Carolina even behind Maxwell Smart !! ),..
Now, the guy that I like most in all of this "is" Get Smart !!
He won in Iowa,... but damn ,, no one remembers apparently.
Get Smart is the best candidate in this race now !!
he's a hell of a lot better option that ol' Newty the Cheat ever was !!
But now,...
I guess we're all stuck with Newty The Creep ,...
The guy who will never in a zillion years beat Barry The Hawaii Debt Maker FACTORY !
Obama and the Media are laughing now at the Gop,...
The Gop officially Looks silly ,..and they have gone into A very Not so Tepid Pronounced Suicide Mode here,..
By Voting for a guy like Newt Gingrich, One is obviously either declaring they are incredibly stupid or that they are intentionally trying to Lose 2012 and BY ALL MEANS that they absolutely want no part of winning it,..
Well guess what Chris Mathews and David Gregory ! ?
The Gop ain't stupid,..
They want that 2014 midterm too much ,...
And they have Grand Plans for Rick Perry 2016 and 8 years of him too ,.. Ala a repeat of 2000 and Bush,..
They know they can't get these things now ,..or anytime soon,..
The Gop is patient,..
And they will coyly wait,..
For the future,...
We know Obama's not gonna be able to turn us into North Korea or Venesuela in the next four years,..
Not with all those Gop's in the house,..
And more to come soon in BOTH the House and Senate 2014 !
( Oh Yeah ,.... Sure - Like Ayatolla Barry Hussein Hugo From Cuba -the Rat King Of "Executive Orders" really gives a flying fuck about Congress, Judges, or the People's Votes,..or what annnyybboddy sayz ,... )...
We in the Gop don't mind Losing to Obama in 2012,..
Not one bit,..
We say; Barry Go right ahead and Win !!
Be our guest !!!
I'm Clark the Shark from G.e. and believe me - I know the future - as those who know me will attest,...
I started Grunge rock,..
But everyone knows,..
Not just that !!
I start whole new ways of marketing and thinking,...
Key People out there come here and they read my websites and they know one thang; They ain't fuckin' around; They know that Clark the Shark a' knows what he's a Talkin' bout pilgrim !!
Dating with Willard is over,..
The Gop had to get a "Non-scary" guy in 2012,..
Newt is Frightening as Hell !!
Newt Gingrich "Guarantees" Gop Defeat in 2012,..
Mitt Romney helplessly knows it,..
Everybody knows it -
We all know it !
The Gop has a "Longterm" strategy now,..
It's very high tech,..
It's called "Losing the Future",...
To later gain it.
We've seen the Gop think Tank-style and strategize and do this type of thing before,..
In 1976,...
Maybe in 1960,..
In 1998 ??
The Gop picks and chooses their spots,..
2012 ain't their spot,...
If it was, they would have set up and Ran Rick Perry - and with a ton of mo' ,..and from the start,..
They didn't.
They're in the process of nominating Newt,...
It's a guaranteed Loser ! And they'r rubbing their hands; THEY KNOW IT.
Can we all just back out and change this now ?
Before it's too late ?
no, we can't,...
It's not meant to be,..
Its just the way it is,...
Everything happens for a reason,...
Newt is gonna be our guy,...
And Newt is obviously gonna Lose to Obama,...
Like it or not,..
But that's what the commanders say,...
And Evolution,..
And Reality,...
And unfortunately for Mitt The Rat and many others; Actuality ,...
I sit here as Clark the Shark and I can do nothing,...
I know that if we all just would've left him alone that Mitt Romney would have and could have won,...
Maxwell Smart can't beat him,...
Neither could Rick Perry , Ron Paul, or maybe even Trump,...
the only guy that could have stopped Mitt is a better debater and the only guy like that there 'is' is either God, Obama, or Newt !!
And it's Newt !!
The inevitability factor we see now couldn't even save Willard the Rat ,...and all his filthy off-shore money ( The Rat doesn't have to show his taxes to me ),...
It's just that we can all plainly see that New England Willard ain't gonna be a Good president - even if we win ,... Winning doesn't mean 'that' much to us People - We'd rather win with somebody Good,..
But is that person Newty the Nutcase ???
People are drinking the Koolaid and diving off the cliffs like lemmings for Newty the Schmuck ,...
I guess they all must know something that I don't know.
And they're doing it in droves,...
Florida is about to vote Newt,..
And once they do,...
This race is over ,...
it's all Newty the cheat from there folks !
A race that we once thought only just recently was over for Mitt is now over for 'him' !!!!
But that's how politics ( And Primaries) Goes !
One bad one - And YOU CAN BE TOAST !!
Rick Perry has dropped out and Get Smart is about to 'Get Lost' ....
The Gop Big brain OUT THERE wants anyone who can guarantee another Gop Blow out Victory mid-term style in 2014 when Barry's a Lame Duck ,...and also set up Perry for 2016,..
And the Gop knows how to get it !!
They can get it now,...
With Newt.
-Clark Hagins
Jan 23, 2011
NOTES; That's just the way these things work - Every 8 Years we flip it all around,..
'Nothing anyone can do about it,..
People just want change ,...they don't even know why ,..
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