Sunday, May 26, 2013


Tornadoes are tragic and damaging and Oklahoma is now suffering as President Dumb Ass has flown in to tour the area ,... Yeah ,..Like this Chicago Socialist really gives a rat's ass about a buncha' little lily white hicks out in the middle of nowhere,..  

Sure he does.

All Obama really cares about is getting his Scandal Plagued Presidency out of the news and he knows he has plenty of Lap-Dogs right now to write and talk plenty of puff about this really in reality horrible devastating situation in our mid-west. 

I personally think that people who live in places like Okla are nuts !! With all the tornadoes that hit there - and around there - I wouldn't go near that place,.. unless I had a damn good steel and cement structure that goes deep underground my house or every building I attend in the region area - if ya know what I means McGee !!

But do you really think elites like Chris Mathews really care about Oklahomans ??

You think David Letterman and Matt Laure care ??

You think Dianne Sawyer gives a shit about these people ??

Yeah neither Did I !!

And ya know what else ??

If they don't, then guess who else doesn't ??

Yeah - You got it Urkel ! ,... Our President who got C and D Grades that are sealed up tight with the best lawyers <-- THAT'S WHO !!

YEAH - The guy in our White House right now from Jakarta Indonesia who really lost to a Mormon with help from Machines in Spain,..

Yeah ,..that guy !!

He doesn't care about Oklahoma.

Same way he didn't care about all the knuckleheads in New Jersey and New York who went ahead and voted for the guy anyway right after Hurricane Sandy as he stood around and did nothing with that Dumb Fat Ass Governor buddy of his  !!

I personally am sitting here wondering why and not just how Obama isn't off playing golf right now ,... which is usually his reaction to virtually EVERYTHING !!

WHAT The hell is the guy even doing there ?? If I was one of those People in Oklahoma right now, I'd yell at the guy to get the fuck outta here ya jerk !!

When you calculate the math, Obama and his 20 trillion debt have done way more damage than one thousand tornadoes could ever do !!

Obama has done more financial damage to our country than all the tornadoes, hurricanes, and Earthquakes put together,..

In fact, ,..fucking dig this shit and dig it good you dumb sports watching fucks ,.. If that fat little Pot bellied pig's son in North Korea were to Nuke us, would probably be less damaging money-wise than what Obama has done !!

If you want the truth, Obama himself "IS" A kind of tornado !!

He has whirl-winded his way through our country's money system ,...and he has purposely created a situation with intent that will be impossible for President Rubio or Cruz or even Hillary herself , fix tomorrow !! And tomorrow, an adoring for Obama media won't exactly be kind and helpful to the next President as they try to fix it ,... well ,..maybe they will give Hillary some tips and props  if she wins,... not that it'l do any good then ,.. 

....when she's 40 trillion in debt !

Obama came out of the world of yesterday: The Saul Alinsky and Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers 60's and 70's ,... those times implanted into his young mind ,..the exact ways to destroy and bring down America,..

Flood it with illegals ( and illegal voters too ) and financially strap and cripple it to the point of no survival ,..unless a kind communist country like China or Russia cares ,..and offers help and hope,..

( Oh and abort everyone that ya can over the time baby with 'revolution by evolution' ,' make it so yer not hip and cool too if ya ain't in favor of the genocide while yer at it !! )

YEAH ,...

Yeah - you got it,..

President Douchebag is a far worse Tornado and situation than the tornado that destroyed Oklahoma,..

In fact that tornado was nothing compared to him,...   


SUNDAY MAY 26, 2013

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