Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Just try to imagine this.

Think from this angle,..

What if the Boston Bombing happened just the same,..

Except that instead of President Barry O Douchebag there, We had President Mittens the Wily Rat,...

Hillary Clinton would be crawing out of her ever-lovin' hole of a warren,... ya know ,.. her retirement shadowy place,..

Chris Mathews wouldn't exactly have the ol' proverbial thrill up his leg,..

Matt Laure would be echoing Hill the Thrill rather quick with almost daily quips of "What Did Mittens Know ? ,... and "WHEN" Did he know it ???",..

Bill Maher right now ?? ,..why, he'd just be going insane as he would be screaming at how shallow and poor our Homeland Insecurity is now with 'ol Massachusetts Mitty !!

Oprah and the View / Wendy type shows would just be goin' fuckin' Nuts,... 'Women just so threatened by the Feeble and un-protective Mitt man ,..

Michael Moorov The Fat Soviet Fuck would basically be out picketing in the streets with his silly signs ,..demanding that Mitt steps down , he preaches of his new movie about Poor Mitt "Bowling for Boston" ,..or some other worthless shit like that,.. and he'd be loudly bitching about how "Now TWO terrorist Attacks have happened on our soil with Bush and now Mitt ,..and how this is just such great proof that Repubs are weak and can't lead,..."

Dianne Sawyer would be saying that Mitt's failures as commander in chief make ol' Bhengazi look like frickin' child's play,..

Anderson Cooper might stay calm and objective,... maybe even slightly classy at CNN ,..but he would be quite irritated as he insists: "Where was Mitt the day of the Boston attacks ???" 

All the newspapers right now from USA-TODAY ( if it still exists ) to the New York Slimes would be running big headlines about the poor economy and Boston and how the two hurt Mitt ,..oh ,..and those Gas Prices of April 2013 that are 5 bucks per g ?? ,..why ,..they are all Mitt's fault ,..and "Polls" back it all up ,..

And ya know what else too .,... ??

It's all true because the average douche-fuck on our streets would be eating this all up and believin' it ,.. yeah ,..Because Sharon Osbourne on the Talk says so !!!

Ya know all the yahoos out there whose nose blows where-ever its told to ,..

Oh but do you hear that deafening silence right now,.. ??

Yeah ,'s that media of ours with their hands off kid gloves approach to Barack the Schlock !

They're busy throwing lovin's for Boston everywhere right now ,... ya know,...advisin' all you'se what YOU CAN DO ,...Community-wise ,..for Boston ,.. when, where, and how you can send money to the United Way and the Red Cross n' all that,..

Yeah , don't hear a Dicky Bird bit of even slightly bad about ol' Barry right now,.... do ya ??

And why should you ??

Because nothing is ever Barry's fault to David Letterman and Howard Stern and George Schlup-all-over-us ,....

And all the other Look the other way Puke Liberals,..

Right now, Boston would just be like this amazing media Scandal frenzy that would just be eating President Willard alive,..

He would practically have to frickin resign as he performs one mea culpa at the White House microphone day after fucking day !!

But not ol' Barry the Weasel,..


it's all good there dog,...

he sends a thrill up legs still ,...

Willard and those mean old Flat-Earth Repubs just don't ,..

They need a glass of water,..


Note; Gop and Christian people are classy and nice: We don't blame Democrats when shit like this happens ,... but check them out ,... and look yourself in the mirror if you vote for these fucking scumbags ,..

They're on the wrong side of Life !!

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