Saturday, March 9, 2013

CRAZY RONALD'S PSYCHO SON'S 12 HOUR FILIBUSTER - BAD IDEA ,....From a Kentucky Buffoon ,....

Normally I never agree with the dumb ass political views and Policies of President Obama and his D-Bag pal Eric Holder,... 

But I will agree with many that Ron Paul Jr. is a Dumb ass,..

Now,.. Ron Paul Jr.. or 'Rand" as he is crazily known , that buffoonish Gop Tea Party Nut Cat ( And on Cat-nip ) with the Wild Hair that goes perfect with his wacky brain,..

Those Heaven's Gate Creeps and their Meteor-Veiled UFO would blush !

He is a spawned off sperm from that Grand Daddy of all Psychos Ron Paul Sr,.. who of course is the Red Super-Giant Betelgeuse figure who is so supposedly Worshiped John McCain 2000-style by so many in college dorms everywhere ( Yeah Sure he is ),... and who I affectionately dub Crazy Ronald,.. 

( And Note Here : Marco Rubio is "Our Guy" vs. Hillary in 2016 - I just hope that Crazy Ronny and his Son don't do another stupid thing called 'running for President' in those days of tomorrow ,.. and we have another disaster mess on our hands like we had in 2012 when all the other Gops were not so brilliantly beating up on Slick Willard the Sand Diego Rat in all the primaries of early 2012's cold winter,..)

Now - Randal the Political Vandal got a little ticked off when Eric Holder suggested that he or Obama might just find it Ok to use a drone or two on an ol' American Citizen , the event of another 911 or Pearl Harbor styled scenario ,..

And I agree with these two Douchebags,..


If there is some Al Qaeda Nutcases in an apartment building plotting something big ,.. and we know 'for certain' all the details about them and what they're about to do ,..then we should take them out !

Drone or no drone,.. hell ,.. by any means necessary ,..

There's no time for a court room or even a Guantanamo or Miranda Rights,..

If Terrorists are about to nuke us, then we have to do something rash ,..We don't have much of a choice !

But stupid Randy Candy - and other Gops and talk radio schmucks I see too - they don't buy it ,..

They probably think Barack wants to drop a drone on 'them' ,...Maybe ??

Geez man,.. I like my politicians right-wing ,..but not 'that' right-wing !! Sheesh,... Fuck, ,...Get a clue People ,..

This Rand Paul character is a nut-job !!

He's as kooky as his dad - or worse !!

I don't want this guy anywhere near North Korea when they mouth off like they always do,..

He just won't understand,..

He just won't get it ,..

He might just press the button on them. 

But who knows ??

Maybe Rand is sorta right !!

Drones are bad - Yeah sure ,.. but they were never bad when Bush was using them to our talk radio fly-swatters like Glen Wreck and others ,.. and most of our shill Left-Wing media now doesn't seem to mind when Obama applies them,..

Neither do I !!

These Al Qaeda jerks should be droned !!

It's the only way !!

And in America is no different,..

If it was President me, I wouldn't think twice about using a Drone here,..

Hell yes I would !!

I'm not gonna go study the technicalities on whether they are American citizens or not ,..AND ANY WAY ,..WHAT DOES THAT MATTER ?? REMEMBER THAT RAT KID FROM MARIN COUNTY ?? You think we should give a shit about dropping a drone on him or not ??

Yeah ,... You know that Ron Paul Jr. was way off if a Dirt-bag like Bill Press from MSNBC was agreeing with him and calling him so noble ,..

These guys just don't see the mountains through the forest,..  

Let me give you a scenario here,..

New York has just been hit by Al Qaeda and it's all over the news ,.. and now the big mouths from the Middle East are vowing yet another strike ,..and furthermore,..we know from phone taps and other methods not only exactly their location ,..but we also know where their next strike is gonna be and how they're gonna do it too !!

You don't think we're gonna use a Drone ?? Yer outta yer mind Pal !!

Rand Paul was wasting our time !!

And right now, we have neither the time nor the money to spend listening to some Kentucky Sociopath rant his tongue for nearly 13 hours of US Senate space,,.

John McCain condemned Paul ,..and if there is one thing McCain is - it's a D-bag ,..but he certainly does KNOW Military affairs ,.. and he knows them damn well better than Rand Paul does !!

I think the So-Called 'Constitutional Lawyer' Genius Mark Levin agreed with Paul too ,..but all these guys are just entertainers ,..and that's what they all do !!

I don't agree !!

I say hell yes the President has the right to use a Drone,..if he wants ,..and ANYWHERE HE WANTS !! TOO !

Here's another scenario !!

Remember that wacky Cop that went Postal a few weeks ago named Dorner,..??

Well ,..instead of foolishly getting near the guy ,..where he can zap you with his expertise and his scope ... How about next time,..TRY A DRONE !!





Notes; Do You honestly think Obama and Holder Give a Rat's Flying Shit about Creepy Randy's 13 Hour Speech ,...C'Mon Man !!

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