WHERE PAUL RYAN LOOKED SOMEWHAT SHAKY AGAINST AN AGGRESSIVE 'Lunch Bucket' Joe Biden, Slick Willard the Rat ran into what we all feared was inevitable : An Un-stoned President Barack Obama who came to Fight finally ,..
The Barack Obama who Looked so good against both Hillary and McCain back in 08' arrived just in the Nick of time Last Night ,..
And it's a Good thang he did ,..or he was done !
Oh ,... Don't Get me completely Wrong !!
Just Like Paul Ryan looked Pretty Good in general really against Bucket-Head,..
Romney had tons of Quality Good moments Last Night ,..where he Looked Great against our Commander in Chief from Jakarta !
In Both debates, the Republicans Won on Facts, Arguments, maybe even body language,..etc,..
But there is this other mystery intangible thing that you just can't explain or put your finger on ,... that makes Democrats Look like the Winners,..
Even when really they completely Lost,..
in reality ,..
Both Ryan and Slick Willard Mitt have Zingers Galore,..
Both Ryan and Romney have logic ,..that even works unbeatably well,..
They've got their 'Fact Check' talking Points ,..blah blah,..
They outsmarted Bucket Face Joe and Barry the Goof,..
But they Lost on Style.
Obama and Joe dug down deep and they figured out a way to look powerful ,..even in defeat,..
Several times last night, I thought I saw Barry Soetoro emerge from Obama and I saw him shrink into his chair like a violet,..
As Romney tried a few times with these Clint Eastwoodian stances,..
It somehow worked against Rick Perry ,..
Romney's aggressions,..
But Last Night, it just didn't come across well against Barack the schlock !
Oh sure,... Barry was backing down ,..but he would also get right up and keep trying,..
He got up off the canvass a couple of times,..
Yes,..certainly more than once,..
President Obama seemed to Proudly dust himself off as the Confident Leo that he is !!
Romney kept swinging ,..
He backed Barack up and was even doing the Rope-a-Dope ala Mohammid Ali quite a bit,..
But just like Joe Frazer,..Obama more than bobbed and weeved ,..
He struck back again and again,..
He had his jab in Romney's face all night long,..
Eventually Romney's eyes were too bloody to see,..
The ref was not exactly helping Romney ,..who needed it ,..as Barry was cheating just a bit,..
The ref seemed to favor Barry the Boxer from Chicago !!
But it's no excuse,..
Romney needed to go for a first round knock out,..
and he didn't get it ,..
He tried that trick where one lays back and looks defeated when they suddenly come out swinging mad,.. in the later rounds
We've seen that one From Sugar Ray Leonard,..
But just like Roberto Duran and "No Mas"
Somewhere along this battle,...
Willard Quit ,..
He knew this one was a Loser,..
And he was already gearing up for Debate three,..
Working on that strategy last night with some 'practice lines',..
Willard was a little miffed how Barry Looked so weak last time around,..
And stepped on the gas peddle here,..
and frankly So am I,..
It's mystifying,..
But that's how it goes,..
And Barack Obama is known for sometimes pulling strength seemingly out of nowhere !!
and he somehow did last night,..
It all mighta' been different if Willard could have pieced together a few of his Zingers better,..
and spoke more plainly and not so robotic ,..
And Romney's repeats of Joe Biden's "Buried for the past four years" line was genius,..
Definitely some Gop operative or debate coach gave Mitt that one,..
But it was too obvious !
This debate was very entertaining,..
Both Guys and Gals everywhere Loved it !
It had something for everyone,..
Both men tried to appeal to women,..
Both guys tried to appeal to illegals,..
Both men tried to look central and not too extreme,..
But only one man came to win and conquer !!
And that man was President Barack Obama !!
Slick Willard the Rat has to reach down into his empty suit Massachusett's Soul next time !!
HE NEEDS TO BLOODY some eyes and jab and look quick,..
Like he did in Debate # 1 !!
Obama was on Laughing Gas that night ,..
Or something,..
But still !!
Mitt came to Play !
He has to do it again !! Next week !
Last night was really technically a draw - there were no knock outs,..
But in this case, a draw goes to Obama !!
and he deserved the Victory !!
Note; Romney blew it when he had Barack caught in a Lie over Libya and he didn't seal the deal ,..
He tried to look "insider' cute,..
We all know he was right ,..
The next day after Benghazi, Obama was talking about Sept 11, 2001 when he mentioned terrorist attacks,..
He wasn't talking about 2012,..
But Romney missed a Golden chance there,..
He may not get another gift like that !! Served up Slow ball style on an easy silver platter ,... !
Mitt assumed that "all the smart people like him know what he means",..
,...as he modestly stared at the moderator and some in the crowd and not at Barack as Obama said; "Read the Transcript !!"
But the trouble is millions of Dumb-Ass People were watching,..
Mitt needs to learn to appeal to them,..
and speak less mechanical as he usually does and talk more 'regular dude",..
It's a Troubling thing for Mitty the Mouse !!
I give it to Mitt on points ,...
But the crowd is booing !!
- Clark Hagins
Oct 17 , 2012
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