Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney probably isn't Going to Pick Rubio ,... He's too Stupid to see it in Plain Sight ! !

Just Like Judge Roberts semi-predictably broke all of our  Gop and Conserv' hearts and Dreams a few weeks ago,..

Slick Willard the Rat is likely pretty damn dumb,..

....and he probably 'isn't" going to choose Marco Rubio,..

I was over at Rasmussen earlier and really ,..I have to admit that I notice the Polls really aren't Looking that good right now for ol' Willard-Gone-To-Israel-this-week ,..

I can see that the Mormon thang really is shaving off the 2 to three to five percent that we all knew that it could ,..

In other words,..

Right now, if we had a solid Catholic or Protestant Gop,..

We would probably be up on Obama buy 5 to 7 %,..

with the economy and Gasoline prices the way that they are,..

and we aren't !!

And it's getting Late

Today is July 30, 2012 ,..

and Romney and Obama are virtually even with Romney just barely up,..

That shouldn't be,..

For example,..

In a place like Ohio - where unemployment is like nearly 12 % ,... Romney should be way up,..

But he isn't ,..

Romney could be closer in Michigan too ,..where supposedly he and his Dad have huge roots,..

But he trails there badly and it's true cause it's Rasmussen saying it - So believe it pal !!

Romney should be easily way ahead in Florida and other places like that ,..

But he ain't -

If Romney were to add Rubio ,... and I think he should right now and not wait much longer to let people further solidify their made up minds,..

He would go up on Obama buy 7 % ,.. or maybe more !

the Hispanic index would be too huge ,..

Romney might even win this race easily outright ,..

But something tells me that Romney is the idiot that we worry that he is,..

Michael Savage and others just might be right on the money ,...

Yes,.. Something tells me that Romney isn't going to choose Rubio ,..

And don't give me that crap that he ain't gonna bother because he thinks its over anyway and Obama wasted Bin Laden and all that and it's said and done ,..


I just think it's because - just like Judge Roberts,..

Romney can't see the mountains through the forrest ,..

He doesn't see the light,..

yeah,..I almost can guarantee you that,..

Romney is gonna pick Bob Portman ,..

Or maybe Crispy Kreme Fat boy from Jersey,..

or who fucking knows ??

Maybe he might even get Palin,.. herself ! Again - in the flesh no less !

but he ain't bright enough to see that he has to get Rubio,..

Or he will lose !

He's gonna listen to all that nonsense how Rubio is "Too inexperienced" yeah sure,..

Oh and Like Obama 'was',..

huh ??

I think he is possibly that dumb !!

And if he is,... Maybe he shouldn't be President anyway ,..

maybe we really are better off with Barry Hussein for four more,.. We get what we deserve !!

And a massive Tea party Win in Midterm 2014,..

Like I have said before,..

Having Obama there ain't the worst thing in the World,...

He'll probably do more damage when he's "Out of" office ,..

If Romney wins 2012 - and I don't think he will,...

This could be bad,..

The Press will destroy the guy ,..and he ain't a Fighter who knows how to manipulate at all,..

Romney's a good debater,..oh sure ,..

he can stand his ground against the very dangerous Newt Gingrich ,..and he's tough enough to back off Rick Perry and others,..

he could even out manuver the psycho Rick Santorum - and don't ask me how,..

But I think Slick Willie is in way over his head against Obama, CNN, Perez Hilton, and E Channel, Bravo Network et all ,..etc,..

He doesn't know how to handle them and put them in their place and tell them to fuck off and eat shit and yes in those exact words - Like he should,..

Romney is a wimpy Mormon,..and that's all

He's just another tall guy in a suit,.. with a pile of money ,..

Deep Down,..

And the Polls are reflecting that - even in this horrible Obama economy - ,...

America knows it ,...

Dick Morris and Fox News will try to pep rally spin it that Slick Willard can win it,..

But I don't think that he can,...

I would Love to See Obama and his red tape, Taxes and lame healthcare defeated,...

But there are way too many stupid people now,...

Too many people hooked up on Governmental shit,..

To many on the public dole,..

and Romney and the Gop just ain't got the balls,..

To confront it !!


NOTE; Just Take a Look what the British Press is doing to Romney right now this week - and over almost absolutely nothing,.. Some minor comments,.. If I was Romney ,..I'd already gotten on a plane and fucking Left England by now and told them to go eat a piece of fucking shit but Romney ain't got the gnads to go there ! I woulda' told England that they'd be speakin' German right now if not for us ,..those little fucking rats !!,...People are laughin' at Romney over there ,..and maybe well they should !!

NOTE 2; CAN'T ROMNEY SEE HOW RUBIO Would immediately take the edge off the Mormon thing ??? Is this guy ( and the internal Gop ) ,.. Are they fucking Nuts ?? Or are they - as Michael Savage and others seem to think - Trying to Lose this thing on purpose ?? ,...And just what would that purpose be ??

Note 3; I thought that when Obama Got Biden as his running mate in 08' that that was a hint that maybe the Dems 'wanted to lose' in 2008 ,... I was right ! But I was wrong !

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