Sunday, June 17, 2012


Barack Obama can see now that he is going to Lose 2012.

He's desperate now and so he doesn't care anymore and his latest immigration nonsense crap just shows it glaringly,..

The President should know that for every new Latino Vote that he is gonna get,..the more Gooey middle voters,... He's Gonna Lose !

People can sense bullshit.

Yeah, it's true,.. Americans ain't the brightest bulbs on the Planet,..but they ain't completely stupid either,..

They know that For the Past three Years that Obama has screwed them with a Capital "S",..

The five dollar a gallon gas has put too many people past the point of no return now,..

( The Gas is high because Obama - (and other Democrat's elsewhere too) - has high regulations and High Tax friendly policies ),..

Many many Americans have already made up their minds,..

They ain't votin' For Obama now,..

And no matter what,..

Obama knows it,..

So, he's already in the Process of tryin' to screw things up for the future President who takes office soon in January 2013 and who of course is Going to be Mitt The Rat Romney,..

There's a kinda part of me that Wishes there is a glimmer of chance that Obama can still win,..

For the guy really is the gift that keeps on giving for the Tea Partiers and the Gop,..

If we could just have Obama for four more years,..We could get an even bigger vote turn out from the Tea Party - who are further educated even more in those days - in 2014,..

That probably ain't gonna happen now,..

The only severe worries about Obama for the next four years are his wacky executive orders ( Which could be anything as we have seen ),.and his plan to Federalize Gay marriage and other nonsense , further handing us over to various U.N. or Euro bodies,.. and other crazy stuff that Americans know they're now sick of dealing with,..

It's all serious shit and don't laugh at it ,.. because with another four from Barry O, all could and likely will certainly happen,..

Of course with the very Oil-unfriendly Obama there for four more years, you can expect to stay broke as a joke with your wallet - and getting used to living with more Five Dollar Gas,..

The five dollar a gallon gas is certainly just crushing me right now,..

As I watch my bank account drain,..

It's happening to you too - you may just not have broke out the calculator and figured it out and faced it , ya know ya should,..

Yes,..Obama and all his nonsense will likely be gone soon in November 2012,.. No matter how much Vote fraud he tries to do ( You can see that the Desperate Dems are Losing elections in very Blue states the Last three years so the Voter fraud and Corrupt Judges and they're deleting the Voter I.d. stuff - uh,..ain't workin' baby !! )

But we will still have record debt,..

Sure, Obama made it worse,..

But we have to fix this,.

And soon !!

We will still have expensive gas and other financial crushers after Barry Soetoro has left the scene,..

We gotta fix those too,..

I'm frankly worried about Slick Willard Romney,..

The guy has no spine,..

He's a lot like Obama himself,..

Many can see this,..

Rick Perry woulda' been way better,..

The Media knew it,..

So they ruined Perry,..

And believe me,..the Former Democrat Perry did plenty enough to ruin himself,..

We're stuck with Slick Willie the Rat now,...

He's Probably Gonna beat Obama this November,..

But then what ??

- Clark Hagins
June 17, 2012.

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