When I was growing up back there in the ol' South Bay...Of Torrance and Redondo beach...,
I didn't get a lotta' Love,..
I was five feet nuthin' and a hundred an' nuthin' pounds,... and very pale and weak,..
Virtually EVERYBODY Could beat me up,.. and Oh they all Let me know about it and of it - and ALL THE TIME TOO BABY ! If ya know what I mean !
NO MATTER WHAT CLARK THE SHARK DID,.. It was never good enough stuff ! People thought it was a joke and so too was I ! And Many to most still do to this day ,... and even worse ,..you all know this and don't care,..
"Didn't matter if I wrote an incredible song or even sometimes if I drew an amazing Picture or whuddeverrr,...
People either just Laughed at it and or ignored it and me which was really their goal most of all - Yes the Latter ! !
Sometimes a brave someone or a school teacher would recognize the genius of the Shark and would immediately boldly take up and speak up for me ,..and the mob might try to shout them down ,..but sometimes a Shark's art was just too damn good to protest,..and it was often brilliantly "Original" curiously most and best of all ! There were times when the mob was strangely hushed,..
People know that the best weapon to use against Clark The Shark is to "Ignore" him ,... and try to get others to join the gang and breed like flies on shit, Hoping and Pretending a Shark doesn't exist and will "Just go away"... and if other anti-Shark avenues should fail,..
Most times it works,..
But in those rare times,..
It didn't,..
And in those 'rare' instances where Clark the Shark should get a Lil' modest back-Up and support, ..the local talentless Liberal Brigades amongst us ,..they knew they were in big trouble indeed,..
For Clark the Shark would on occasion ,..creep and sneak his way through a door ,..here n' there,..
Most Doors were always closed though,..
For the Five Foot nuthin' Sharky,..
Chicks rarely accepted Clark the Shark,..
And the constant reminder in my brain of constant rejection ,..kept me from askin' out that special one - who mighta' said yes - BUMMER ! I grew and evolved to rather never find out rather than to hear 'No Thanks" again,..
BIGGER BULLIES AT Parkway School in Torrance and Later Newton Middle School and South High would harass and persecute A Tiny helpless Shark,..
I heard that I was gonna get my ass kicked so much ,.. that even today,..it gives me nightmares,..
Eventually I started doing things Like Lifting weights and running and taking Tae Kwan Do ,..but these things ain't gonna help ya much when yer small,... against dudes that are 6'2
And since I was like 2 and three Years old,..People from all over the South Bay have been callin' me Gay, Fag, Scum of the Earth, a Loser ,and a Geek Dork Douche etc,.. ,..plus lotsa other mean nasty shit too,..
One thang is for damn sure,..
I was rarely "Taken serious",..
I always got the worst jobs,..
I was always the Last in Line,..
I virtually always failed school tests ,..and if I passed it was all due to my amazing memory and rarely did I really Learn - and I mean A Damn ANYTHING !! ( And it's strange to consider all the amazing talent that I really do have and Had ! Way back in the day !,..No way People should have been treatin' a guy like 'that' badly...MY God !! )
No,..I wasn't a really confident chap ,... But I had a Love for music and Bands Like the Who ,...that drove me ,..to emulate only the best !
I LEARNED My politics early on from hearing my Dad rail against "Those evil Liberals and the ACLU",...THAT INDEED IS AN EARLY MEMORY !!,...But really to be honest, My Dad was never really a friend to Clark The Shark,..
Maybe that was a good thing !
I liked to talk to my dad mainly because he 'knew every-thang' and I could Learn from him ,..better shit than I learned in school,..Yes, Dad was himself a teacher Professional - So I took full advantage ! Maybe it was my Dad that originated all the problems for me - who knows ,..?? But,..
People in the South bay rarely went to my G.e. gigs,...
I know that ,...
My few friends were losers and nerds like me,..
Sometimes, there was a real cool cat Like Flipper who Peculiarly recognized a Natural Born Marvel like the Shark ,..and he 'knew' he had to team with the unteamable ,... Because there was a glimmer of a chance that the strange rare genius might and could maybe get discovered,..and we all might accidentally make a zillion bucks,..
Shark wasn't a Surfer or a stoner in the South Bay,..
Shark was a Loner,..
A Shark certainly wasn't Popular,..
People all thought Shark was strange ,.. and I don't need to tell you all out there that even now THEY STILL DO - OF COURSE THEY DO !!
Being the Last of 8 kids wasn't the kinda blessing that helped a Shark take on the whole world - or was it ??
IT DOESN'T MATTER if Shark cries or If Shark get's mad,...and Protests,.
No one really cares,..
The best I can hope for is they'll just use those things to make fun of a Shark,... Maybe they'l be exposed as a creep they are !
It didn't matter how Shark dressed ,..it was always wrong,..
People will always stare awkwardly at the Shark forever,..
Maybe even when I'm 80 years old ,..and dying,..
This all brings me to,... Trayvonne Martin and BLACK PEOPLE !
Whether they know it or not,..
Every Person in the United States who happens to be Black ,..Lives day to day with sort-of a Clark Hagins Like complex existence,..
And no matter what any one says or thinks,.. it is the way it is !
Tall White Yuppie People are never gonna take ya serious,... They might pretend to feel sorry for ya maybe and or coddle you in times when you really hella' Don't deserve it ,... it's the best you'l get,..trust me ! Also see the Election of President Barack O'Dumb Dumb ,..
Yeah,..it's true !
No Matter what ya say or do,..
They're gonna always Look upon you sorta like yer Clark the Everlovin' Shark Of Bam Magazine infamy ,... and they'l be twice as worried about yer unknown friends ,..from yer hood '
Like as if yer a Five Foot Six Short little white man ! Kinda !
Get it ??
Even if yer Six Foot Four !
I think that might be why many of you'se Hate Whitey ! Ain't it ?
A Lotta Black Folks know damn well exactly what a Shark is writin' and a sayin' right now,..
They are the enlightened ones,..
So Let me try to bring you all,..
Into the Light,... Shall we ?
A Black Person cannot go walkin' in the dimly Lit night and maybe rain ,..and wearin' a hoodie along with it !
Sorta the same way a Shark just can't go up and ask out a babe ,..back in the South Bay,...
It just ain't gonna work,..
There's too much rumor and or inuendo and bad past n' all,..too much nonsense gossip that creeps have made up that have become fake facts,..and ofcourse way too much paranoia ,... Too many people have hated and threatened you ,..too much drama !
They just ain't gonna be taken seriously,..
And even worse,..
It may even provoke a major incident !
When a black Person goes to apply for a job ,.. They're gonna Look upon you as if Yer Clark the Shark From G.e. ,..and that's maybe at best; Like it or Not !
There are black people who dress nice and are big and tall and can kick yer ass if you don't show them respect,..and take them serious,... and bizarrely it doesn't matter for,..
But even 'they' might get hired long "After" Clark the Shark ,..and all my baggage,..and You can believe that or not and I don't give a shit,..'cause it's true Yo !!
Many Black People try to fight there way out of this and angry frustrated,... But there's no way ,..it's like a Prism Prison ,..
But it's almost no use,..
You will always be at the level of one of those disrespected comedien white people,... AND TO EVERYBODY ,..TO ASIANS, TO UPPITY OTHER BLACK FOLK !, TO HISPANICS ,..I MEAN EVERYBODY !
I think it sucks and it's sad and I ask Why Did God do this to all of us ,.. A Shark wants to Love and respect All ! I've always wanted a Peaceful world myself !
When all else fails,..Blacks group together and at first try legal ways to get a chance,..to level the field,...and they find that quite often these don't work,..
They try to get expensive educations,... They follow the Paths of Schools and do the right things,... and still others get hired over them - because simply others are taken more serious,.. Appearance being All ! Some succeed,..
But too many don't and DON'T get a fair chance,..
Then they resort to something that Clark the Shark can't and could rarely do,..
They get violent,..
And they fuck shit up !!!
Sometimes,..they are justified ,..and I can see their point,..
And sometimes, they're just being flat out wrong ,...and they're just being assholes who are making no sense with it !!
I think in this current case of the shooting of Trayvonne Martin,..many of them,,..they are being wrong !!
Many of them are acting out in emotion and being drivin' on by Douchebags and Jerk-offs Like Reverend Jesse Jackson the Schmuck and Al Not-So-Sharpton !! And they are purposely being Grand Stander misfits,..and God sees this ! Plainly !
Jesse Jackson pretends to care and to be some kind of "Leader" in all this,..
He doesn't and he isn't !!
He needs to keep his fucking mouth shut - if you need the truth !
We need to absolutely know and learn all the facts here People - Before People start burning down shit ! Ala The Rodney King Days,..
Some are crying out that they want this Zimmerman Dude 'arrested" ?
WTF ?? We don't Live in Nazi Germany yet People ! None of us were there,..and there are few and scant eye witnesses ,..
All the scared white yuppies were in their houses and callin' 911 !! and well they should have and perhaps that is EXACTLY what I woulda done too !!
One witness says he saw the black man beating the white/Brown Hispanic male - who was 'on the ground' ,..and now the Police are saying the so-called screaming little boy on the tape ,..now turns out to be ZIMMERMAN HIMSELF WHO WAS GETTING THE SHIT BEAT OUTTA HIM APPARENTLY,..
What 'was' this kid doing there,..???
In the dark of night,..
And in a hoodie,..
Where were his parents who shoulda told him its dangerous for a black kid to go strolling through a white yuppie neighborhood at night,..
There may be trigger happy Neighborhood Watch dudes,..but even worse - the kid's Dad shoulda told his son THERE ARE ALSO TRIGGER HAPPY COPS TOO ,..who won't think twice about greasin' a black dude,..in the dark of night ,..and in the poorly Lit rain ,..and often over absolutely nuthin' too honey !!@
Clark the Shark knows about this shit,..
I may be bigger and older looking now and I might look menacing with my beard n' all,..
But I remember the skinny Little shark of long ago had to be careful and cautious and where-ever I went,..
There was always potential trouble lurking out there for me,...EVERYWHERE !
And this is how it is for every black person too !!
People would advise me to "Dress nicer" ,..they'll take you more serious,..
With Black People,...it don't matter how yer dressed,..
They ain't gonna take ya serious,..
And if you should choose to wear a hoodie ,..or Hip Hop stupid gang attire,..
It's gonna only make it that much worse,..
MARCH 30, 2012
WHAT IS THE POINT OF Pride ,..if yer not gonna stand ,..
for everybody ??
And also ! The media keeps showin' a Picture of some little 11 year old Little Leaguer - the 'Little Kid' was now 6 foot three !! Our stupid media should be telling you THAT !!
Hey People - All we can all really do in the end is forget, Forgive, Love anyway ,..and move on ,..and I mean all of us !! And some of us are mixed half white and half black - what about them !!?? We're all just human beings from a Planet called Earth ,... We have to quit Listening to the Jesse Jackson's of the World - because it's killing us ,..and whether we agree with him or NOT !!
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