I Like Herman Cain.
If it comes down to it,...I'll vote for Herman Cain.
Of course I will,..
I would take Cain over Mitt Romney in a Heart Beat,..
The trouble is,...
I just know how stupid America is,..
And I Know what Stupid America does,...
And I can plainly see what our Douchebag Media is doing,..
They're building up Romney and Cain,..
In a huge effort to destroy the guy
And the only guy too
Who can beat Barry Insane Soetoro
And that guy is of course Rick Perry,...
We all see now that some troubling things have surfaced
About Rick Perry,....
To me ,..it means nothing,..
But to all kinds of folks, there are big issues,..
It's suddenly front page news that Perry was once a Democrat
Who supported Al Gore,..
This is bad stuff indeed,..
Especially to the hard-core Tea Partiers out there,..
Who apparently now have all pretty much switched over
,..To Herman Cain,..
Never mind that Perry cannot debate and has all kindsa waffly immigration issues ( Texas though
is a lot like California and I can understand and see this - People will say and do anything for votes there. )
Herman Cain is Leading abuncha polls now
He look good to a lot of people,..
I say don't fall for it !
He ain't Gonna beat Barack Obama.
One on One,..
And that's the Bottom Line !!
That our media knows,...
Then again however,...
Neither will Mitt Romney,..
I Hope that Herman Cain can beat Obama,..
I just don't see it happening...
I don't see White America Voting for the guy
I see a lotta' people staying home,..
A lotta schmucks out there are Monolithic and stupid...
They tried the black thang once ,...
They won't try it again.
I see third party candidates rising like frickin' Wild Fire...
If a guy Like Cain becomes the Nominee,..
I see Ron Paul becoming the next Ralph Nader,...
And my crystal ball sees Rick Perry breaking away too,...
And becoming the next Sarah Palin,..
This is bad indeed,..
We are being tricked here - People,..
We gotta get smart,...
There is bad stuff on the Horizon,..
It wouldn't bother me too much if Barack Obama gets re-elected,..
If the alternative is Mitt Romney,..
It would bum me out if Barry beats Cain,..
Because I would know in my heart that,...
We didn't run the best guy that we could,..
And suddenly ,..now,..it's hitting me ,..
Maybe the Gop does not want 2012,...
It is thinking Long term just like me,..
It's eyes are set on 2016,..
And that's after 2014,..when we get another Tea Party massacre
And we take another 500 State House Seats and even more of congress and judiciaries EVERYWHERE !
TO ME,...
It's becoming obvious that Maybe the Republicans 'don't want" 2012,..
We've discovered we are quite happy with Obama being there,..
We're justa lil' bit worried about Barry's wacky thangs like Start Treaties with Rogue States and his potential to muck up our Supreme Court even more with more Knuckleheads like the two he's put on there ,...
I would like to win 2012.
But having Obama there for four more and getting even more Power in 2014 does seem deliciously enticing,...
If we win with a Lame Repub,.... We risk that 2014 blow-out that we have there easy for the take and staring us right in the face,...
Herman Cain isn't Lame.
he's a Great Republican....
But is he really a good conservative ??
I'm not so sure,..
I know for a fact that Mitt Romney certainly ISN'T !!!
I SAY ,... That if we want to win 2012 ,,...Just take the safe rout and Lets get Rick Perry in there,..
We'll worry about 2014 Later ,..and that inevitable backlash there always is,..
I think that Rick Perry could beat Obama a lot easier than Herman Cain can,..
Yeah,...I can see Herman Cain winning in Iowa,..
I can see this guy getting trendy and winning everywhere,...
If he beats Obama it would be a miracle and by a hair !
We don't need to go there,...
Why are we messing around ???
The Media and Matt Laure are gonna use every weapon and tool that they can against Herman Cain and unfortunately,..they gotta couple of easy ones ,..two gimmes that I can think of straight off the bat,..
Woopie Goldberg and Dianne Sawer and Babba Wah wah are all gonna remind us Day in and Day out how Cain has no polit-ic-al 'experience' and nevermind the fact that he's had stage four cancer and nearly died too ! Quite Recently mind you !
It will be their versions of Romney being a Mormon.
And they're gonna use everything they can !!
And unfortunately, ..they'll be right on the money about the Political inexperience one,..
Imagine if you will Herman Cain trying to beat BOTH BARACK OBAMA 'AND' Some new Third Party Riser that is coming out there in Tomorrow Land !!
,..And there's gonna be..
I say good luck America,..
We will get the next President that we evolve to get,..
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