We've all seen those interviews lately where BOTH Sarah Palin "And" Bristol Palin "BOTH" deny that all those so-called "Tea Party people" out there are justa' crammin' the Ol' Phone lines in support of Bris' on good Ol' Dancing With The Stars (DWTS),...
WELL,...I Clark the Everlovin' Shark from G.e. am certainly NOT a huge fan of Dancing or DWTS,...
DANCING has jus' never been my thang (I'm a White guy anyway for Chrissakes,..)
But I wasn't gonna miss this one,...
Well,...On THIS - AMERICA'S MOST KONTRO-VERSIAL NIGHT EVA' IN HISTORY (AND yet another 'test' for Barack and his ever-fading staying power),..
Tongith !! Dawg !! Yes,...
I guess it was writin' in the Stars that I wasn't gonna miss this one,...somehow ,.and for some cosmic reason,..
YA' ALL,..
,..And I learned something I sorta already knew,...
Once again,... I watched the 'Tea Party" in action,....
Lemme tell ya homie...
FOR TONIGHT,...The Tea Party people all across America ,.. they ,..
.....Eliminated the beautiful Brandy ??? (Brandy Norwood of Music and acting fame {And Of Carson California} - No,..Not my song),...
And before it all went down,....I told My lovely African American wife this; I said; "These Tea Party people are too Big and powerful now,...They are gonna do the unthinkable to Mtv and CNN AND OTHER POP CULTURE OF TMZ -LORE,...and they are gonna "eliminate" the trully gorgeous and talented Brandy,.."
,..And they are literally Holding 'Dancing With The Stars" hostage,...
,..And My wife just chuckled and said "No way,..there would be out-rage',..or somethin' like that,..
Well tonight,..
The unthinkable has Happened...
Brandy is gone,..
Bristol moves on,....
And as I look back at this evening,.. I realise how I was jus' sittin' at my computer like usual,.. I didn't even "realise' or care that "Dancing" was on,..
But by the power of God almighty and or My Guardian Angel or Karma,.. My wife "meant' to turn the Tv on near me, ...
,..And then point it my way,..
....as she quietly and coyly walked away,..
Perhaps she thought there was something coming to amuse me,...
There was.
I realised the Power of these crazy Tea Party movement people tonight and just how 'determined' that they are,...
Clearly, Brandy Norwood was more talented than Bristol Palin,.. We all know that,..
,..But the Mighty (And organized) Tea Party hath the last word,.. They saw things 'their' way,..
The Proverbial final say ,..as they might say,..
Note Here; I really should add that the show is a show for "Non-Dancers" who "get skilled quick" and learn the trade ,..and it would actually seem unfair ...that Brandy has such an edge over Bristol,...n' all
Brandy still shoulda won ,...
Maybe,... I guess
But she didn't,..
Neither did Democrats on election day November 2, 2010,...
Karma is a Bitch,... I say to all Of you back there in 2006,...
(Note; I've always sheepishly had a crush on Brandy Norwood ,... She has a lovely weird face,... Like a chick off a UFO ,...BUT REALLY 'REALLY' PRETTY AND LOVELY,.. a part of me was kinda bummed tonight that she lost to Bristol ,...and those crazy White trash Tea Party Jerks !!)
Further Notes; The Megalomania and POWER Of Sarah Palin here ,..in all this,..is scary amazing
Maybe this chick really "can" Win President in 2012.
'Don't know,..
But it sure is Frightening,..
Also; These Tea party Voters crossing into the World Of Pop Culture and throwing it around like a rag doll is alarming at the very least,...
Although, I like to see stuff like this,..A part of me is wonderin' just where does this end ???
Are these Tea party Folks really gonna eliminate Jennifer Grey America's Sweet Heart ??? And all that Sad Patrick Swayze story stuff ??
Is Sarah Palin 'really" This nuts ???
( Even the three judges are clearly and obviously terrified of the Monster Tea Party (Who... oh by the way - Just Won a Monster Election recently and are a' feelin' ever so frisky...) out there and the Mega-Ratings and money they are suddenly bringing into this 'Very non-Tea party" type show....I would sorta hate to be one' a those Liberal ABC execs right about now....)
If the compassionate side of me could advise Mrs. Palin right now,..it might say this; "Hey Sarah,...We see that the "Only Way" now that Bristol is gonna lose is if she falls down on her knees,...
Hey Sarah ,...In thy name of Sanity; TELL BRISTOL TO TAKE A DIVE NEXT WEEK !!"
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