Bill and Hillary Clinton thought a while back that it might be neato to get rid of the pesky Mayor Bob Filner in San Diego - and perhaps damn important too , they don't want another Barack Obama type Nightmare situation of 2008 to pop up again in 2016,..
Ditto Anthony Weiner in New York ,..
They cooked up a phony and well orcastrated "scandal" against Filner and THEN they Let the World of Social media have fun and deal with Weiner who apparently really was doing mega bad thangs in sending around creepy pics online via Twitter,..
But in their zest to send Democrats everywhere a message regarding what the Clinton Machine can do ,... they apparently forgot about the creepy Corporate Republicans out there,..
Now Hillary finds herself worrying about a whole new problem she probably never dreamed of :
Faulconer 2016 !!
Kevin Faulconer - a so-called moderate - but a guy that we really know deep down is as Tea Party as they get,... has Weirdly Won the San Diego Mayor's race yesterday against Strange ( But certain destined to Win ) Democrat Union backed thuggy candidate David Alvarez - a seemingly impossible feat !!, a community that virtually went 60 to 30 to 10 % for Barack Obama in 2012 and is heavily Hispanic dominated now and where they control many of the seats down town in San Diego ,... but they couldn't stop the guy probably funded by Trump and the Koch's and others out of state galore ,... !!
Just Like they Couldn't stop Happy Jack !!
Wow - This has turned out to be a Real Clinton Disaster here Mega - I mean Worse than Benghazi Style ! !! Do you - America - still want this Woman as Your President ?? !! ( ROFL ! ) ,.. She's handed a Blue State a gift-wrapped Red Mayor ?? What an idiot !
Kevin Faulconer displayed himself on places like Facebook for the last three months or so as the "Cool" hip guy ,..who could have been maybe Blaine from Pretty in Pink back in the 80's against the special interests funded little Union guy who was way too young at 33,... and I guess it worked to a tee ,..
Now,... Nobody - certainly none of us real conservative Talk Radio Gop's - ever really gave Faulconer a real chance,... This is San Diego after all ,..a huge Blue city in a very dark blue state where Democrats run virtually anything and everything and can do whatever they want ,... and make no mistake ,..even though he won ,... this is still gonna be daunting damn tough for Kevin to deal with all those ghouls and goons down town in the tomorrow days - ........... Democrat Goons and ghouls who make up rules as they want and choose and play by their own book.... ( Sounds Like some Guy they used to call Barry Soetoro back in Indonesia huh ?? ).........
We all saw the Polls where Faulconer was leading ,..but we really didn't believe it ,.. there was no way he was gonna win - definitely not here in Californica USSA ,... Anyway ,..the fix was already in ,... Alvarez had voters coming from over the border - where he was running billboards to 'come vote for him' ,, one had to assume the Democrat's typical litany of dirty tricks and tactics as usual - busing in out of state voters, voter fraud, absentee ballot fraud, etc,... never mind all the illegal union money coming in from Washington, The SEIU, Sacramento , etc,...
Yet Karma is the bitch !! It didn't Work !! Nope ! None of it !! The bad guys Lost ,.... Don't ask me how - But I sure know why ,..I guess ,..sort-of ,.. ( Maybe the Dem's can get some "Judge" to overturn the whole election and do a "Do Over" next month ) .......
Now Listen ,......
Hispanics in this town out number Republican voters nearly 4 to 1 , fact, the Republican Party is like # 4 or 5 on the List around here ,... like well behind the Natural Law types ... , Greens, and independents,.. ( LOL ),......
Democrat registration is MONSTER IN SAN DIEGO ,... to say the very least ,..
EVEN THE FEW WHITE PEOPLE THAT ARE LEFT around here pretty much are Dumb liberals and ,...VOTE DEMOCRAT !! ...
YET - SOMEHOW ,... THE DEMOCRATS ,..and who the media depicted as having all this enthusiasm and momentum - they weren't exactly coming out of their little holes and running to the Polls with fervor yesterday Feb 11 , Vote Alvarez ,..
Uh Uh ,.......
No - they certainly didn't ,...
In fact, ,..Polls show many Hispanics actually "Did" come out and vote yesterday ,... in fact, they voted in droves,.. For Kevin Faulconer that is ,..
So too did African Americans ,....
So too did a lot of the 'White' Democrats,....
Just what the hell happened here,.. ???
Is Obamacare really "this" bad ??
I don't think Alvarez was really all that bad of a candidate either ,.....
Is Kevin really the new Scott Brown of early 2014 - the Omen for November ??
Is he a Scott Walker ??
DID THE GOP - FUNDED BY TRUMP, THE TEA PARTY. THE KOCH'S, ETC,... Did they find a way to cheat ala how the Dems do in Miami Dade and Philly and Fairfax Va ??
Well , for one - thinks it's possible !!
Because I see no way Mathematical that the Gop Could win in San Diego yesterday - the numbers simply aren't there,... Not on paper : NOT ANYWHERE !!
IF EVERY DEMOCRAT Would have come out and voted yesterday against every Republican,..the Democrats would have won easily ,..Hell ....if even just "Half' of the registered Democrats !! YET THEY LOST !!
How in the hell did they Lose ?? !!
Well - Let me tell you how !! Jackson !!
It's because a lot of Hispanic People have figured out NOW that they have been hoodwinked by the Democrats and Obama-care,. !! They realize it costs like 500 bucks $$ a month and they don't exactly qualify in many cases for the so-called 'subsidy' ,...and that they want out !!
THEY NOW REALIZE THAT IT'S 'THEM' THAT ARE THE ONES DESIGNATED TO PAY FOR THIS SHIT !! ( Not necessarily the young white COLLEGE people ) ,.... and they want no part of it ,..
at least, that's the way it appears to me - I can see really no other explanation ,...
Now,... I notice today that Fox News was gloating ,... So too were alotta' talk show hosts everywhere,... but they're also keepin' this one on the down-low too ,..
They don't wanna get too excited as they now realize that the Union Democrats 'can' be beatin' .... anyway anywhere any how ,... if they can lose right here in Dark Blue California ,..and right next to Tijuana too !! ,... and it's weird to see that you don't necessarily need to run a Hispanic Tall good looking dude or cute chick against them to do it either !! YES - There was no need for San Diego's version of Rubio, Cruz. Martinez , etc,..I guess yesterday ,...
Faulconer is a tall white e-dufus of a guy - as white and geeky nerdy as they get ,... and yet he beat a Hispanic guy - and one from the Unions ,... right on their own turf !! You talk about Davy Vs. Goliath !
IMPOSSIBLE ??? I SAY ALMOST YES ,... BUT AS YOU CAN SEE,... With Trump's billions - anything can happen ... !!
In Nov 2014, The Republicans can and will Win THAT NIGHT many elections out right ,... but where that doesn't work ,..they now know that they can simply BUY THEM TOO !! AND THERE'S NOTHING THAT THE SEIU and other Unions can do 'bout it neither ya' all !!
We saw the out-of-state Power of Donald Trump here: He simply took a shit on the Unions ,... Fed up with their previous shenanigans ,..Like they recently did in Virginia against Cuchinelli ,... This time, the internal Gop focused in and with Force ! ,... and they caught everybody flat footed,.. and off guard !!
I THOUGHT THERE WAS NO WAY FAULCONER COULD WIN - EVEN 'WITH' that looming thing out there that gives off such it's stench called Obamacare,..
I was wrong !!
Never underestimate the power of Corporate dollars,..
For when they really wanna win - and where too -THEY WILL !!
FEB 12, 2014
Good Luck to Faulconer dealing with the Democrats in City Hall downtown - He' gonna need it ala Arnold dealin' with the Ca Legislature 03' ,..
Further Notes: I'm very happy today ,... but also just a bit way too confused here ,... as this election is a pure curve ball in history out of nowhere that makes absolutely no sense - not even from the tit for tat World of the Voter Gods machine ,...
I just really am miffed here ,... I just don't see how Republicans pulled this incredible impossible one off !! : Life really is true - Just when you think something ( or some ideology ) is dead ,... it somehow springs back to health ,..
Final Note; Don't get too happy Gop's out there as the Congress So-Called Tea Party ones let you down ( again ) today ,..and they capitulated along with Obama and the Dem's Debt Ceiling skyrocket ,... ( I guess at least it shuts down that debate issue and puts all the focus 2014 on The ongoing Obamacare fight which is what the Gop exactly wants and the Dems dread ,..)
{ Dems should be worried now - if the Gop can Win here like this ,... In San Diego } ............
Absolute Final Note: Watch out for this Faulconer Cat - When he puts on his shades and starts monkeying around, he can be quite magnanimous and clever cute ,.... He could cause Trouble for Cruz and Rubio 2016 ,..... This guy is like the West Coast's Chris Christie - but on 'Roids !!