Sunday, January 12, 2014

I'm Glad The Republicans are getting Smart and Getting Rid of Christie Early - Just Look at their New High Tech Savvy !!

The Republican Party never wanted to See a Chris Christie 2016 Run,..

And they ain't messin' around here,..

They are removing this fat menace early here NOW in 2014 ,...So they don't have to worry about him later,..

The Gop has made up It's mind that it wants Marco Rubio 2016 ,..and ONLY Marco Rubio ,..

THEY KNOW THEY 'HAVE' to hit into that Hispanic Voter community ,..

Ted Cruz may or may not be on the under-card as Veep ,..

Hell , ..... it could even be Sean Hannity or Rick Perry or Allen Keys  ,.. for all anyone knows or cares ,..

But clearly, Rubio is our 2016 "Anointed One" just as Obama was for the Dems long ago in '08,.. fer'get all the Hillary drama ,..

( Anyway,.... I don't think the Dems really ever wanted Hillary back then ,..and maybe neither really did Hillary herself ,.. ),..

And I am just amazed at this high tech sophisticated lynching of Christie that the Gop (,..and with a lil' help from Hillary's camp and the Dems ) has going down here.  ( ,..and probably with the full court press money of the Koch Brothers and Trump ,..uh,.. pulling the mighty strings and a' doin' it all baby !! )

It's almost Like maybe Mitt (and Co.) has got his ORCA System finally figured out and a' up and runnin' smooth !!


When this thing begins to backfire on everybody and a feisty Christie begins to emerge a Victor down the proverbial road  ,..the Dems might just try to get cute in a few months from now and try to expose that it was the Gop that did this to Christie ,.. AND NOT THEM !

Who knows ,..

Because I don't think anything here is gonna really work against Christie ,..

This fat behemoth knows how to dig in his heels and he's been elected in a dark blue state repeatedly and like I said before,... He ain't goin' down easily ,..if at all !!

Bill and Hillary Clinton may be just tryin' to show the Gop just what they can do ,..and with all their money,..

Or maybe just Like Weiner and Filner before,..there really IS something to all this and the scandal is really actually 'REAL',... yeah sure it is ,....


NO One gives a shit about traffic jams,..

Not when there's four dead in Benghazi,..

Not even Matt Laure or Dianne Sawyer ,..really ,...

Note: I'm sorry ,.. but I don't Like Christie either ,.. and what they are trying to do to this poor guy right now , doesn't bother me one bit ,.. and if you notice, ... you don't see a lot of Repubs coming forward in the fat boy's defense either ( Where's Rudy ?? )  ,... maybe just some half-hearted banter from Hannity and Fox and a few others ,.. but I say here,..Christie is probably toast ,.. and that's how the Universe wants it ,..

Or maybe Not ,...

Christie is a tough bird ,... and he just might not need the backing of Rush Limbaugh and the white talk radio scene ,.. maybe all of this will just have the affect of him Getting Stronger and exposing Hush Bimbo as the Hack that he really is ,..from his Golden EIB Mic !! 

Final Note: Or maybe ,.. just maybe - The New Gop Neocons in their hidden high tech world ,..ARE A' SHOWIN' US ALL !!


AND WITH 'THEIR' MONEY !! ( And technology ) ......

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Life is a chess game and a Power-play too ,..sorta Like Hockey - and no matter what you or anybody says ,.. that is ,..when you have the man-advantage ,.. you can easily tilt things in your favor ... at least a good sometimes,..

And this phony cooked up "scandal" that is breaking out yesterday and today ( Thurs Jan 9, 2014 ) being ginned up against overweight New Jersey Governor Chris Christie may be a little bit the work of Bill and Hillary Clinton ( The same way they did against Weiner and Filner previous ) ,...but it is mainly the work of the Gop insiders gang : Trump, The Koch's , Mitt, the Bushes, etc,.. maybe even Faux News too,.. themselves ...

The Gop knows that they wanna run either Rubio or Cruz or somebody Hispanic against Hillary in 2016 ( Or Biden or McCauliffe or some Hispanic Dem or whoever ) and they know right now - and not too deep down too ,...that they want no part of Chris Christie ,..a portly 2016 potential candidate who will have no chance - Zero - they know now,..against Hillary ,..or anybody ! 

Or does he ? Could Hillary be having a confusion doubt brigade ?? But the Gop has made up their mind: 

THEY HAVE TO GET RID OF THIS GUY ,..AND BETTER DO IT SOON AND EARLY TOO - and Now !! ,..if they even wanna think to compete in two years time ,..

But this Crispy Cream guy is no cream puff ,.. and I think the Gop gang knows this too ,..He ain't gonna go away easily ,.. or quietly either,..

Christie is quite tough and feisty and he WILL Soon call out the Gop Cronies ,..if he feels the heat is really on and gonna cost him a shot at 2016.... forget the fact he's buddies with this present commander in chief dude ,..who ain't 'zactly pals with the Clintons,..

No,..a tainted Christie will go down swingin' ,..and yellin' and condemnin' too ,.. and you can bet on that Johnson !! If ya knows what I means !

Christie really IS a big bully type. He ain't playin' !!

He says exactly whats on his mind and and quite often and ,...even though our media, Hillary, and the Gop want him gone and are tryin' to obviously stress him into a heart attack or stroke ,..this thick skinned Jersey psycho ain't gonna tolerate it ,..and he will likely NEVER RESIGN - and no matter how much it is called for,.. and he also has the gifted abilities to draw on a mysterious 'nice' side within himself ,.. when needed ,.. to get some sympathy ,.. if required,..

Besides,.. I think I am with Krispy on this one ,... How do these traffic jams in Jersey compare to four dead in Benghazi ,.. or the NSA shit ,..or IRS gate ,..or all the other crap mixed up with Obama ,..never mind Hillary too ,..??

I'm not gonna even bring up the disaster that is Obamacare ( Yeah,... I see this is another distraction for that too so don't fret ),..

It's clear our media is fucked and unfair to say the very least  ,... and even the average Dumb Joe can plainly see that now ,.. no matter how our media tries,.. this ain't gonna well penetrate ,.. not with all of Our White House's recent baggage,..  

Krispy will laugh at this stuff ,..the more they try to make it a terminal issue,.. and Krispy is also a gifted hypnotizing rambling political wordsmith himself of that Clinton caliber as we saw today what with his two hour boring press word conference ,.. where he took this so-called explosive issue ,.. and damned near put us all to sleep ,..with his slobbering mea culpas ,..

.... and Christie can mix it up ,... He'll laugh one day, get angry the next, and cry the third,.. and 'til you give up !

The Gop insiders are seeing the Light,.. they just want Krispy gone ,.. and Hillary knows she can beat the guy ,.. but she also is suddenly realizing that she ain't looking forward to the prospects of having to stand there and debate this edgy refrigerator sized chap one on one ,... She knows that Krispy won't back down ,..and that might not leave a pretty image in the minds of millions of Voters who one day will watch these debates,.. and have to choose ,..

Hillary doesn't want to go up against Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz one on one either - and we all know Rubio is quite feisty  ,..and each of whom are going to bring millions of new Hispanic voters in their directions tomorrow ,..

But it's obvious that Krispy worries her too somewhat at least,..

The Democrat brass has clearly looked at some internal polling lately and they can see that maybe - just maybe ,..Krispy might be sorta dangerous !! Especially with the current Democrat Barack Obama's polling right now deep in the shitter,...

Krispy is formidable ,.. He will be no Rubio or Cruz 2016 ,.. But he plainly has the Clinton's worried,..

And the Gop TOO !!

AND Don't sit there looking so surprised that the First Red State to go Gay Nuclear Marriage would be the Dark Red Mormon dominated one called Utah ,...

I told you in previous blogs that the Gay Population in our country is maybe One million to two Million People at most ( with a lot less within this figure actually wanting to marry ) ,.. But that the United States' Polygamy Community number as high as 6 Million OR MORE ! ,..and they all wanna get married so they can all go on Section 8, SSI, and Welfare too baby ,..and with all you schmucks a' payin' for it all too !!!

SO DON'T LOOK SO surprised in a month or two when Michigan goes gay marriage so that Dearborn and it's massive Muslim population of Polygamous folks can get Legit too !!

Yeah ,.. the Mormons look so bummed right now in Utah huh ?? They're even throwin' hunger strikes,... but Look again !! I think they're really smilin' through those tears !!

Yeah ,.. I say Christie survives this and it backfires on the Gop and Carl Rove ,.. and he comes out even stronger ,..and tomorrow, He WILL make life miserable for Rubio and Cruz out on the road in Iowa and the Gop primaries,.. which unfortunately really will end up a bummer for us all ,... as that may hand things - and pretty easy too ,..over to Hillary ( or some Dem ) in 2016,...

You gotta understand out there,.. When you are going up against the Clintons and their unknown and unseen operatives,.... you really are going up against fundamental political geniuses ,..and who just want to reek havoc and create distractions and chaos at all cost for their opponents ,.. and everyone else too !!

Notes: I know what yer all thinkin' : Why would the Democrats be doing this ?? THEY LOVE CHRISTIE and they planted him there as a stooge patsy to fall to Hillary ! Right ?? Well,.. Maybe Hillary and the Dems have discovered now they are not so sure,.. maybe 2016 won't be so easy after all ,.. maybe Obama and his shananigans ,..have really finally ,...

Fucked them ,..