Johnson (WI)
Obama Blinks and Punts on Syria,..
Yeah,..... The Disappointing Leader that our cretin culture elected,..
Strikes again,.. I guess,..
Last Week, Syria apparently used Chem weapons on their own people,..
Weapons that they probably got from Iraq ,..or maybe worse: Iran ,..
And Yeah,'s true
We really don't know for sure 'who' set off these WMD's ,..
But Obama and Genius John Kerry seem to know for sure,..
Sure they do.
And oh ,.. the irony,..
How the tables have turned here,..
From back in the 2003, 2004 days when John Kerry and his Demon Democrat friends were so busy condemning W Bush n' all ,...
,..of course that is,..
After they voted for it all,..
Along with those mean old racist rats in the Gop,..
Yeah way back then ,..
The Dems were all but organizing street rallies everywhere against Bush,..
They didn't give a shit about wars or any of that,..
They just wanted to create their typical usual chaos and drum up their youthful trouble,..
They just had their sites on getting the White House back,..
And maybe the House and Senate,..too
In the Process,..
Well , worked,.. but
Today,.. John Kerry and other Dems seem to be "for' this latest War that could be about to happen in Syria,..
( Though many Dem creeps - of the usual order - are against it as ever,.. ,...think Carl Levin and other little rats,..)
,...And this could get ugly,.
Yes indeed,..
What with,..
As Russian ships are sailing all around,..
Mingling Dangerously with the U.S. Ships in that Eastern Mediterranean region,..
But,... Obama doesn't seem to mind or care,..
He knows that with our U.s. media backing him,.
And creeps like Chris Mathews,..
That he won't lose : Win 'or' Lose,..
It will be fixed and rigged and as usual so that somehow it will 'ONLY' Be that dirty rotten old Gop,..
That Loses,..
Ya know: Those Racist Southern un-openminded knuckle-dragger Flat-Earthers ,.. Matt Laure will prove to all of you that somehow it is all 'their' fault ,... them and talk radio ,..
But Politics aside,.. I kinda "agree' with Obama here,..
He was right !!
We should bomb Syria.
Obama is/was right,.. Last week ,..and he should have left it that way,..
But now, He's flinched,..
Even though we technically don't know for sure 'who' blew off these weapons,..
We need to send a message to every one of those Middle East countries that Chemical weapons will not be tolerated,..
And we need to do it now,..
We needed to do it days ago damn it !!
I think that with the War Powers Acts that Obama could have already hit Syria ,..
But he hasn't ,..
WHY NOT ??????????
Because he is an indecisive fool and a weak President,..
As he has been since 2009 many years ago,..
If Obama was a real man and a true leader he would go ahead and smack Syria and to hell with what the Gop congress thinks ,..or anybody else,..
For that matter,..
That's what Leadership IS !!
Like it or Not !!
And that's what Robert Kennedy would do Too !! Maybe even Nixon !!
I don't care about Hannity and all the Gop hacks like Tucker Carlson who blab crap like there is "No end game" or Exit Strategy and all that NBC entertainment shit,..
Screw what O'Reilly and Savage and Hush Bimbo say,.. THEY just wanna be opposite Obama no matter what !! and they fear even the slightest success for the dude as they hope for major blunders,.,.. that's what they're all about !
If Obama was the true Champion that his lame ass Mtv following says that he is, he would do the right thing ,.. and he would Fuck Syria up,..
He wouldn't wait around for a congress full of Gop's ,..
And a congress that he also knows is currently on recess,..
Obama is being a real Coward here !!
Not a Cowboy !!
He punted the ball when he could have gone for the glory !
And the Russians and Putin are laughing,..
They're laughing so hard that they probably feel sorry for Barry O from Jakarta,..
Like this is a game of Mtv-Punked,..
But this is no game,..
This is serious business,..
This could be World War Three and Obama needs to get his ass of the Golf Course and Man up !!
Notes: I didn't agree with Obama on Libya. And I didn't agree with losing Mubarak in Egypt either,..
Sadly and Wrongly, ,...These guys were U.S. friendly puppets. They were cruel Dictators in lands where people only obey and respect a Strongman ,..
But they were all we had,..
They're gone now,..
And more and more Al Qaeda and the likes of the Muslim brotherhood are grabbing the controls ,...
Now I see why in the past the U.s. has espoused and eagerly embraced "Nation-Building" ,...
Unfortunately , the future ,..We need to go back and do stuff like this again,..
Or the World's future is ugly indeed,..
Further Notes
as I hiss:
"Wisconsin Stands with Egypt ???" ,... Gimme a fuckin' Break YOU MORON OCCUPIERS !!,...
More Brush strokes:
Oddly,...Many Gop's in Congress and elsewhere are apparently positioning themselves now that they are somehow "Against" any action towards Syria,... Hmm ,..imagine that ?? When we all know damn well that normally ,..the Gop just kinda "Lives" for this shit !!
Ahh ,... but they can't be for Obama and back him up , way,..
Well ,..we'll see how the ol' vote goes,..
Something tells me that it ain't gonna go for Obama and John Kerry's way,..