Monday, July 22, 2013

Bob Filner : Was He a Problem For Hillary 2016 ??

Something Stinks concerning the San Diego Bob Filner Witch-hunt,...  

I'm not buying all of this Democrat On Democrat Crap concerning the embattled Mayor,..

What the hell is really going on here ??

Did Filner have to explain to other Democrat D-Bags behind the scenes that there is no money Left and that he will have to Vote No on certain shit ,..??

Did he have to balk the Unions internally ??


Was he simply a monster threat to the Democrat conglomerate machine that is pushing and mounting for Hillary 2016 ??    

Me thinks the latter is probably what this thing is really all about ,..

And sure,..

We see untalented Douchebag So-Called Conservative Microphone guys like Roger Hedgecock and Mike Slater here locally jumping on the Anti-Filner bandwagon all because he's a Democrat and they will leap at any opportunity to undermine and weaken that side of the coin ,..anyway possible ,..and any way they can,.. and winking at you to join in ,...

Well ,...

I remember when I used to be one of those Alex P. Keaton Schmos ,..

Back in 92' through 95' and a little bit beyond before I got into Savage in the early 00's, I was one a' those,..

Not any more,..

I have learned the game now,..


I know that the Democrats are so powerful now that they can do whatever they want,.... 

Unlike yesterday ,..

Even in Blue states that they have bankrupted, they are still nearly indestructable as a party ,..

They have almost all of the Hispanic and Black vote ,..and quite a bit of the Marijuana-Trailer Park White tattoo Vote too now,..

They are confident,..  

And hell ,..if that don't work ,..they can always just stuff ballots and steal the vote electronically by counting it themselves safely over in Europe,.,.

Or have the SEIU install "their" machines and count it ,..

They can recount local votes here n' there where they lost a close one ,...and install their power-brokers,..

You saw what they did with Dino Rossi and the Lout in Jersey ,..

,...or they can simply have "A Judge" over-throw any laws (or whole legislatures even) ,... that they disagree with ,.. they can do this in states Red or Blue,..

And they do it all the time ,..

They are pimps and commissars ,...   

Power-mad fools,..

and Karma is a bitch ,..

At the end of their pathetic Democrat Lives, someday ,.... God has a rude awakening waiting for them,.. no matter how many "Our Fathers' they try to say Like Voltaire',....

it's called eternal hell !!

and believe me,.. anybody who practices all of their crap is a' goin' there ,....and in a frickin' hand-basket ,...and if ya's know's what I means Sherlock !!

But anyway ,..back to Filner,..

The San Diego Creep ,...

The so-called philanderin' Dem ala worse than Ted Kennedy ( Speakin' a hell ),..


This Filner creep just Looks like a real Douche,..

One look at his ugly mug ,..and you just know he's a Dirtbag,.. And Dems themselves coulda' and shoulda' Warned us ,...

But all this shit they say he supposedly did to women in his office,..


I ain't fuckin' buyin' a word of any of it !!

I think that this guy was simply not a Democrat Liberal "Team-Player"....

He didn't do what the Queue said that he must ,..

He didn't play ball,..

And they warned him that they would really smack him and where it hurts if he doesn't comply,..

They told him that they would make his Life One Living hell !!

And they weren't kidding,...

Filner laughed and dared them,..

,....he probably said : "You will never hurt one of our own,.." or somethin' like that,..


Democrats are psychotic ,..

In thy name of Power, they will frickin' go after ANYBODY !!


They will sometimes try to make their own resign ,...and in some kind of shame,..

Yeah yeah ,..I know it is rare,..

And they would never do this to a Bill Clinton,.. ( Or would THEY ??? ),...

But at desperate times, they will do it !!

And believe me,..

This Filner cat does not know what he is in for,..




and resign ,..

But I don't care,..

I hope he digs in his heals,..

And exposes all of these creeps goin' after him,..

I hope he gets the best Lawyers ,...

I hope he stresses out that witch  Donna Fry ,..

As he brings down himself too,..

In the big messy UGLY and Legal Process ,...

Karma is a bitch ,...

Awe,.. it would be nice,...

...And who knows ??

Is this the long arm of Hillary ,.and Bill Clinton,..

Sensing a Filner 2016 problem ,..

and getting rid of it early ,..

Hmmmm ,,....

Me Wonders,...

And I think We all know the answer,....


Notes and Further Brush strokes ;

Normally, Democrats will stand with each other ,..and to the death ,.. they will even take up for an Anthony Weiner if they see it can work ,..or even if they see that it's hopeless ,... Evil will fight for Evil ,..that's what Evil does,..

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zimmerman may be Laughing at us all ,..... But there's nothing we can do ,...Let it Be,...

Before I begin this Latest writing exercise, I first must apologize to the IRS, Glen Beck, Barack Obama, DHS, Doj, etc,..

I'm sure they're all listening in,..

Ya See,..

Writing is what I do,..

And I possess amazing talent,...

Unlike Most of them,..

and I also have solutions too,..

Unlike retards like Perez Hilton and the such,.. Unlike the Kardashians and TMZ,..

I really know how to think...

And think critically ,.. and rationally ,..

And also technically too ,..

And I know how to convey,..

to articulate,..

Like my Dad used to do,..

Before he got sick and old,..

And died,..

I know that everyone wants everyone to keep quiet and shut up and have fun,.. and Look the other way too,..

Go to Bieber concerts and State Fairs , smoke dope and blah blah and get tattoos, etc,.. and have fun , this lousy world,..

But Shark doesn't do that,..

I write,..

It's what I do,..

I know it makes you all uncomfortable,..

But I can't help it,..

It makes me uncomfortable too,..

But I gotta do it,..

Because not enough people do,..

Or something like that,..

and not enough people out there are as good as me at this shit,.. or care,..

Or something like that,..

But anyway,..

A couple of issues,..

First, ..all of these Trayvon rallies,..

I think these people doing this shit are fucking stupid,..

And pointless,..

They aren't bringing calm,..

They ain't making solutions,..

They are only contributing to more random beatings and violence,..

They're only making things more worse,.. and tense,..

They are managing to take a bad situation ,.. and make it much worse,..

They are making shit up,..

They are making shit worse,..

plus they're ignoring all the black-on-black crime,.. which is the REAL problem,..

And President Douchebag is making things worse too,..

When he says crap like he looks like Trayvon or that Trayvon could have been his son,..

And shit like that,..

And all this talk about getting a new Gov sponsored Civil Rights Witch-hunt against Zimmerman and by geniuses like Eric Holder - a dude who shoulda resigned over like Mega-Shit and long ago,.. well

It's bullshit,..

They ain't gonna accomplish shit pressing new double-jeopardy crap against the Z Man,..

All Z is gonna do is get the best lawyers in the country ,..

And just Like OJ ,..

He'll walk ,...again 

Civil money damages against Z might Win and they might Lose ,... but Z will never Pay anyway ,..

And you can't make him,..

I think Z is a dirtbag,..

Much of me thinks he planned this all,...

He's a Liberal creep himself who says that he voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and I believe him,.


And just like all street thugs, .. he's supposedly  "helped the poor",..
and 'Mentored kids"... and all that crap,..

It's what some Libs do,..

Its how they get power over who they really hate

By 'helping them',.. and by "Loving them":,..

You think that homeless guitar playing douche cares about you ??

Just cause some guys had it rough and he can't stop hurting,..

You think he stays on the street causa' that ??

You think people keep doing drugs cause they're great winners ,..who you should worship ,..??

I don't ,.. and if you do, you're a sucker !!

and I know street goons from the hood know their own,..

and they took one look at Zim and they 'knew' he was one of them,..

An Obama voting creep ,..a drama creep at that,..

This was a tragic sad misunderstanding gray area situation here that was rather rare ,.. you can't make black or white or cut and dry of it , way !! But yet Libs try ,.. foolishly ,.

Yeah,..this thing was strange and rare,..

But really not that rare,..

It was more weird and unusual,..

than rare,..

and there are some people,..

that just can't let this go,..

Even 'if' Zimmerman 'did' know that he could secretly punch out Trayvon,..

Trayvon still shouldn't have gone back there,..

And walked into Zim's trap,...

But he did ,..

You never know what lies in the dark,.. that's why Smart Dads tell us to never settle matters in the dark !! Do it only in the light of day ! You never know what that other guy's got,.. in his pocket,..

it could be something worse than your worst nightmare,..

It could be a manipulative Liberal,..

Like a jerk like maybe Zimmerman !

They know drama well

it's how they've been rolling and its what they've been doing to get by,..

all their lives,..

The agitators in this thing are holding rallies and meetings that are high on emotion and low on logic,... even lower on solutions,.,...

I say before you yell out quick,..

Stop and think

first !!


Notes: Democrats and Liberals do all of this Drama shit and rallies and all the crap they do by DESIGN and intentionally ON PURPOSE ,.... BECAUSE THEY ARE BORING TALENTLESS AND UNORIGINAL PEOPLE and who steal any ideas that they got in their worthless heads - and they don't like to see happy people minding their own business most of ALL - they gotta reach out and touch YOU !,....AND WORST OF ALL: THEY KNOW IT MOST THEMSELVES ,... They ain't lookin' for meaning ,... They're just lookin' for MORE DRUGS !! 

Did George Zimmerman 'Hustle" Trayvon Martin ?? Did He "Lose" that fight ,..... BY GRANDE DESIGN ???

We all know the game of Pool and the "Hustle",...

You see this dude with a Stick who seems to be clueless and lame and you beat him a buncha games in a row for money,..

But slowly with evolution, he starts beating you ,..and soon, you are broke,.. as he carefully and strategically beats you A LOT !

And often, people can get very mad over this kinda thing,..

One gettin' over on the other,..

And sometimes, ,..someone may end up just frustrated,.. or maybe ,..dead

If yer lucky, you can laugh about it later,..

Well right now,..

Maybe in the eternal privacy of his own mind, George Zimmerman is chuckling ,..and forever,.. for only he really knows,..

'Certainly the last laugh on Trayvon Martin,..

Could the Zimster have 'Lost the fight" and been there screaming on the ground,... by careful , ??

Well ,..before you call my theory far out and nuts,.. ,..think about it,.. and consider this:  

Zimmerman used to be a bouncer,..

Zimmerman has a pretty good history of violent encounters and run-ins with the law,..

Zimmerman used to be a way bigger dude,...

Just a few months before his Feb 2012 encounter with Martin, he was like 250 pounds and one of those creeps with an earring ,.. but then,..

He went on this like unbelievable weight loss with incredible discipline ,..

Zimmerman Lost like 80 Pounds !!

Running on a treadmill and eating nothing for like 5 months in a row !!


It's highly unlikely that the 17 Year old Trayvon Martin could have took down the 2011 250 pound fat version of Zimmerman - who was the bouncer ,..and I say ,..just because Zim turned into a way skinnier little dude,..

He was still the same confident Zimster , his mind,..

Sure,...Z losing all that fat pudge would help Martin quite a bit ,..


Did he "Lose" this fight to Martin on purpose,.. ??

Was he laying there screaming ,...with calculating care,..

Me thinks it's possible,..

We've all dealt with bullies who have followed us home in our days ,..

They can be hella annoying and often the advice we get from teachers, police, and principal, and faculty , to just run away ,..go home ,..and don't yell at or hit back or it could be,.. assault,.. and then WE might be the one who is in trouble !

And many of us have been in that situation where a way heavier dude is on top and we are getting beat down ,..lying on our backs , the dirt and grass,..

People in the hood know these things well

So too do white people back in the South Bay,..

And I am sure some of us are possibly just wondering,..

Did Zim - and confident with his gun - Plan this whole thing -,..and not God , Zim says,..

One look at Zim and he seems like the kind of Douchebag who might just,..

ponder it,..

and Ponder THIS !!

I think Zim 'studied' Trayvon Martin maybe,.. and from the get-go ,..and his 911 call was part of his way to seal the deal,..

He knew the whole time that he could beat up Trayvon Martin ,..

But even better than that,..

What if he could craft a way , "Lose" to Martin ??

I know one thang from experience,..

When someone heavier and bigger is on top, would be impossible to grab your weapon , it  a knife or gun,.. or a can of mace ,..

Yet somehow Zimmerman grabbed his,.. and got off a bulls eye heart shot ??

Huh ??    Imagine that,...

,.... I think Zim 'knew' the whole time,..that he could,..
,....grab his !! ( That is,..)

I think it's possible that Zimmerman 'let' Trayvon Martin beat him up ,..

I mean - being that he was a bouncer n' all,..

,...and needless to say , Zim also knew that Martin was the kinda Schmuck who was gonna lay in wait ,..and leap out ,..HE KNEW IT ALL !

Zimmerman has experience with wacko douche-oids ,.. maybe that's why they put him as the neighborhood watch guy,..

He has experience dealing with total jerks !!

,... maybe 'this' is what the black people marching around with signs are trying to put into words and articulate,..

but can't !!

but Clark the Shark sure CAN !!

I know it all sounds far-fetched ,..

It may even seem silly and impossible,..

believe me,.it's not,..

if you have ever been in a fight from Torrance to Gardena , know,..

it's not just possible,..

but with schmucks like Zimmerman ,..

It's probable !!

All it takes is the most basic manipulator ,.. and a gun at your side ,.. makes it all come together,..

Maybe Michael Savage isn't so dumb after all ,..

Maybe THIS is what he meant !!

Maybe Zimmerman really IS Guilty ,..

But he's so clever,.. we'll never really know , only he does,..

Maybe Street smart people from the hood have long ago figured Zim out,..

And it took me a while ,..and some additional thinking,..

or maybe it's just,.. the latest tit for tat,..

Rodney King: this

OJ: that

Zimmerman: that,..

Just like JFK,..

We may




The Police and Jury would still say that all Trayvon Martin had to do was go down into Brandy Green's house and lock the door and go to bed ,... but some 17 year olds ain't so savvy and - being kids -  they're not meant to be,.. ,... the kid stood up for himself ,..and thinkin' that Zim was some kinda night creep ,.. there's good and bad in that,..

It's a tough call here,..

BOTH Zim and Martin are wrong and yet both of them are right too ,'s like that movie Crimson Tide ,.. with Denzel Washington ,..

Unless Zim did what I think he did,..

We'll never know,...


Further Notes: 

You don't get hired as a Bouncer unless you are some kind of tough fight-experienced D-bag ,... that's just a fact: Zimmerman is not the little screaming wuss at all that he is leading us to believe he is ,... and no, I don't care how much weight he lost and how skinny he became that night in Feb 2012 ,...

and believe you me: Zim's close friends and his wife ?? They all "Know" the truth here,....

Think about it: How often do you see a 17 year old beat up a 30 year old ?? And that fast and that cleanly ?? Trayvon Martin woulda had to have been like Chuck Norris or Jackie Chan !! And Zim never landed one punch ??


And usually fights are messy with lots of scratching, hair pulling, slapping and the like,... yet there was none of that here ??

Hmmm,..... I say that 'during' the struggle, Zim may have realized that Martin was pretty scrappy ,..but wasn't very strong,..

Carefully think about this angle people - remember back to when you were a kid ,... it will open your eyes,..

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman Walks ,.... Liberals take a Bitchslap ,.. And soon, we need to let go of this race pride shit and Love each other !

Michael Savage - Desperate to get back into the media again - recently bet it all ...that in our recently gone even madder sick and twisted world 

- ( where weed and gay marriage are being legalized now even by voters ,..not just by crooked liberal courts)  -

 ,..that George Zimmerman was gonna be found Guilty ,...

Well, ol' Michael Weiner bet wrong,..

Zimmerman Walked ,..

And believe me,.. I wasn't confident at all that he would,....  

I thought ( Like Savage probably did ) that this all woman jury was gonna sympathize poorly ,.. and was maybe gonna side with Martin and all the media hacks,.. that they might Look at Trayvon as their little kid and not George ,..

The Jury didn't,..

They looked at the facts,..

They saw a fight ,..they didn't care that Zimmerman followed anybody,..

And nobody should,..

That had nothing to do with anything,..

And yes it's true,..

A lot of black people are sick and tired of being harassed everywhere they go , security guards and such ,...   

They are also sick and tired of having to run away all the time,..

And all just for being black ,..

They know that sooner or later, they need to man up and run back there and confront the Douchebag that is bothering them,..

Otherwise,..they are gonna be running away all their lives,.. and we all know,..that ain't how you get ahead in this life in this world ,..

A five foot six Clark the Shark from G.e. knows somewhat exactly what blacks go through,..

I get profiled everywhere I go and have ever gone,..

I take a lot of shit and mean words ,..and in my day, I have had to run away ,...AND a lot,..

And at my height and weight, I ain't gonna beat up too many guys that are 6 foot three , matter how much Tae Quon Do or Kung Fu lessons that I take ,....

And believe me,.. Most guys are 6 foot tall ,..

They ain't short like me,..

When ever I go to a concert or a theater or the DMV ,..I am just about ALWAYS ,..the shortest guy in the room ,.. and these days, I stay away from people ,..but in the past, they have wasted little time to remind me ,..

And short guys don't get respect,..

And until quite recently in our America,..

Neither did blacks,..

The way they have gotten places is by manning up and fighting for their rights,..

The way that Trayvon Martin did ,..against this creep Zimmerman ,..

And believe me,..

One look at the Asshole Zimmerman ,..and I knew I was gonna hate myself for having to defend this loser,..

....he looks just so much like one of those complete Dirtbags that you see drunk at partys who are always mouthing off,..

But in this case, Zimmerman was right ,..

He was the Neighborhood Watch Guy who was appointed to watch for creeps like Trayvon Martin,.. { And Important Note Here: He was extra paranoid in Feb 2012 because there had been some break ins , his town-home community ,...he was on high alert ! }

And believe me, Trayvon was no angel,..

I don't like this jerk much more than the other jerk who shot him,..

These two knuckleheads were made for each other,..

If you want the truth ,....



Tonight ,.... our Country changed,..

We are officially { hopefully }  heading back in the proper direction of a Conservative leaning Nation,..

And President Barack Obama - who claimed that Trayvon looked like his Son might look ,... took a major bitch-slap here  ,..and in a shaky time where things are constantly going wrong for Mr. Obama - from Benghazi crap to IRS crap , beyond,..

I was in Riverside Ca today ,..a heavily black area,... At my Black Wive's relative's Bridal shower,..

My heart sped up as I listened to that verdict in the late afternoon upstairs all alone in a room ,..

I knew my view won't be popular ,.. and that I'd better keep quiet ,..

I knew I had to get the hell outta there,..on this hot afternoon , the verdict was read , the sun went down - and get back South on that 15 Freeway ,..,.. but in the end, ,,..nothing was gonna go down ,..'cause everyone knows the deal ,..

We can all relax now,..

Trayvon's death was a tragedy ,..but we can't deny that Trayvon was a little jerk ,..

You gotta pick your battles better,..

You don't go back and fight someone in the dead of night and in the darkness,..

I blame the kid's Dad for not teachin' the kid that,.. 

( The kid's Dad taught the kid to fight back at certain times though and that was Good !,..) 


You run home and you lock the door and go in your room,..

And none of this happens,..

Duh !!!

We all saw the 8 year old pics of Trayvon that CNN Loves so much,..

,...not the ones of him smoking dope and holding a gun ,.. and being much older,.. and thugier looking,..

The media tried to trick us,..

They failed,.. and badly ,... Few were fooled this time ,.,.

Trayvon was 6 foot three and way bigger than Zimmerman,.. who was five foot nuthin' 

But they tried to have us believe that Zimmerman was huge and Trayvon was like this tiny little 11 year old guy named Steve Urkel who played AYSO Soccer and Little league,.. and they had 'their' pictures to prove it ,..and flash across the screen and the papers constantly ,..

We never saw the pics of Zim all bloody ,..until really late in the game,.. and with his nose broken ,..

But the jury saw it all !!

Yes,.. Tonight,..Florida made their first vote for Marco Rubio ,..and a solid vote against Barack,..

And it was the "Womans " Vote too ,.. no less ,..

,..that jury of 6 ,... being the sample,..

Things are changing indeed,..

Our country sees the gay marriage and legal pot and potential polygamy ,..

And they are starting to panic and see the light,..

My Dad was a Great writer, was so embedded in his DNA , write,..   

But he is no match for his Son Clark the Everlovin ' Shark,..

Editor of Bam Magazine,..

I am even better,..

And you all know this,..

I tell it all and I go way beyond calling em' as I see em !!

Trayvon Shouldn't have been walking around that rainy night in that Lily Yuppie Whitey Neighborhood in a Hoodie - Yeah ,...that was probably a real bad idea,..

And that's all a jerk like Zimmerman needs ,.. to pull off one of his standard reactions,..

The lame Liberal Gal Judge tried her best to make Zimmerman and his team look bad before the all woman jury,.. and like a typical lib rat that she was,.. 

She failed miserably,.. 

Zimmerman is walking out ,..

Let Frustrated Obama and his Feds come after him,..

They will lose there too,..

Let them try to sue Zimmerman civilly ,..the way they did with OJ,..

It probably won't work either,..

Zimmerman is innocent,..

The guy did nothing wrong,..

Technically or otherwise,...

Yeah ,..the guy is a jerk,..

Part of me was rooting that he would have gone to jail,...

Maybe gotten a Manslaughter-3 ...

But he didn't get that !!

Because too much of me knows the truth ,...


Final Notes:

The Bottom Line:

Zimmerman was on the ground getting beaten by Trayvon Martin who was hitting him "MMA Style" <---and as seen by a witness ! Zimmerman was the one on the 911 Tape who was screaming for his life and everyone knows it ! At first, we all thought that the voice screaming for help was a little 10 year old black child running from some psycho-racist ,..but later, we learned the truth: Some went with the truth right away - Like Me ! ,.. and some stayed with the original belief <--which was foolish ! Zimmerman had a broken nose as seen in police pictures, well as cuts all over his head ,...At first, we all thought that Zimmerman beat the crap out of Martin ,..which wasn't true ! Back at the time of this incident , We all were lead to believe that Zimmerman was way bigger than Martin but later it turned out that Martin was like 6 foot three and Zimmerman was this skinny little dude ,.... Yeah, might be true that Zimmerman is a Douche and a wanna be cop ,..who got out of a car against a dispatcher's advice ,... but that has nothing to do with any of this,.. it didn't give Martin the right to pummel Zimmerman's head  !! As I wrote months ago, Martin should have ran away to Brandy Green's house and locked the door and stayed in ,.. that would have ended it all right there ,..

More Notes:

Our Fucking lame ass Liberal Media has been telling us how "White" this Zimmerman guy is but the real truth is the guy is half and half as apparently his Dad is White and his Mom is some kind of Hispanic ,..and the result is Zimmerman Looks almost exactly like ,.... Ritchie Valens !! If the average person was to take a quick look at the dude,..they would say he basically looks Mexican ,...NO, he is 'not' the blonde haired blue eyed Aryan Nation White Supremacist that CNN and MSLSD want you to believe he is,.. and in fact, now I think that just a few more Hispanics may be voting for Rubio over Hillary in 2016 ,..and partially at least because of all THIS !! It's now almost like Whites and Browns are somewhat ,... (Gasp) ,...United ???


The Winners: Marco Rubio and Conservative Hispanics Everywhere,..

The Losers: Obama and Liberal D-Bags and their "Lawyers"  everywhere,...

Further Notes:

This is all a very complex uncomfortable situation for Me - Clark the Shark - as my Wife is Black and I am in constant contact with her family - who are people that I love very much and hug ,... but these are people for the most part who clearly don't care for my point of view ,..and man ,..does it make things tough as you can just cut the deep tensions with a you know what,...

The big problem is very few of them think like me or see the world as I do and I wish I could change them and get them to see the light ,.. but I can't ,..

I see a problem over in their communities where they react quick with BIG anger and emotion rather than careful thought ,.. they might say something to me like "What if that was your kid Clark ??"

Well,.. my kid would never have done that ,.. and if he did, ...then my kid is an idiot ,... I'm sorry ,..but that's what I would say !!