Sunday, December 23, 2012

Romney's Son Says that Willard Really didn't Wanna Run,.... And I believe Him,..

Mitt Romney's Son Tagg has recently explained that he felt Mitt Really didn't Want to Run ,... and yet it seemed to me Like Mitt Really wanted ( and thought he was gonna ) to Win !! ( Well,... Maybe Not that Much ) ,...

Oh the irony,..

Mitt has spent his Life chasing after Money with such zeal ,... But that President Gig ?? Nah ,...He just couldn't get into that - enough !!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snippet That I wrote on Huffington Post Today - Sat Dec 22, 2012 -
Here's the Problem D-Bag Media types and Listen up well - The Millionaires and Billionaires are gonna Get rich and be rich no matter what. They control EVERYTHING and there is little the rest of us can do about it !! Raising Taxes won't work !! It will only make things WORSE - LONG RUN 'AND' SHORT !! RICH PEOPLE RUN THE SHOW - They hire us little people and can pay us what-ever they WANT !! IF YOU hassle them,..they simply find New Loopholes Taxes-wise and otherwise ,...or they LEAVE OUR COUNTRY and start up their business ELSEWHERE <--even Worse ! YOU WILL CREATE A MONSTER RECESSION by raising 'any' taxes on rich or on Poor too !! If anything, we should LOWER TAXES AND DRASTICALLY CUT SPENDING OR IMPLEMENT A 'TAX ON SPENDING',...A 'CONSUMPTION TAX' if you will !! By raising taxes, you may create a 'temporary' feel good period ( Like we had in the Clinton days ) ,...but it doesn't LAST !! JOBS WILL SELF-OUTSOURCE and self-deport  !! YOU LIBERALS WHO BELIEVE OTHERWISE ARE DUMB - believe me !! =

Saturday, December 15, 2012


,...How convenient ....

Hillary Clinton Faints,..

Claims a concussion ,..

General Petreaus and Susan Rice Both have Quit ,..

Weird huh ,..

Tryin' to throw a wrench here n' there to slow down that darn testify-before-congress stuff ??

Maybe ?? Yeah - 
Bummer man !!

Typical Shenanigans from your oh so recently Victorious Democratic Party World ,..

The White House is trying to do everything it can to make Benghazi just go away,..

But it ain't ever gonna happen,...

Not even if we're all attacked by Space Aliens on Dec 21, 12 ,..

Benghazi is simply this huge wring around our Country's neck right now,...

There's no way to get out of it,...

Heads are Gonna roll,.,..

And my prediction right now I tell you is,.. THIS !

Sometime after January 2013 and it's inauguration day,..

A President is Going to be Impeached,..

And his name is Barack Hussein Obama ,..


We know the Mainstream media is gonna be throwing around words like "Centure" ,..


Yer' Gonna hear a lotta' that word ,..


But Just Like Bill Clinton before him,..

Our Current President cannot escape the Long arm of Justice from the U.s. House of Representatives,.. in Congress,..

Sure,..the thing will fade in the U.s. Senate,..

They always do ,..because you need a two thirds majority to remove a sitting President,..

But who knows,..

If Harry Reid and the Democrats get their way soon ,.. and they wipe out our current filibuster rules,..


After the Tea Party and the Gop slaughter the Dems in Nov 2014,..

It just may happen,...

Barack Obama ,..and his administration ,..

Will be ousted !!!

And there ain't nuthin' Detroit and Cleveland and "Healthcare for all" can do 'bout it 'neither Baby !!

The Democrats are gonna have to GOTV BABY In November 2014 and Big Time ,..and they know it,..

Trouble is,..

A Hella ton' of Elections 2014 are in Red States and Red districts of "Blue" states and Zones where the Dems can't win ,..

And the won't ,...

The Dems are Gonna Lose 2014.

And they know it,..

They're gonna Lose the House "And" the Senate,..

It's gonna be a Tea Party Free for all Fuck-fest,..

They may even lose enough seats in the Senate where ,..they won't be able to over-ride any crap that Harry Reid is cooking up now currently ,..

Who knows ??

Maybe tomorrow in 2015 ,..when the Gop has an air-tight filibuster free Senate,..

Well ,..they can do what-ever the Fuck they want ,..

Quite Frankly ,..




( They may even write a few new screwy rules of their own if ya know what I mean ,.. You think you know obstruction - well,.. Ya ain't seen nuttin' yet honey !! )


2014 ,.. I mean ,..





SAT DEC 15, 2012 

Note; You think the Dems can beat those two with Lunch Bucket Joe Biden ??

I don't !!

'They better Get Hillary into 24-hour fitness on that Treadmill ,... and a Good Diet regimen !! And for the next three years consistently !!

Lunch Bucket Joe and his Big Dumb Mouth Vs. Sharp as a tack Marco Rubio 2016 ??

Now,..that's funny

LOL ! /// #Seo /// #Roi /// Christmas // #Nowplaying = #Job // GreenhouseEffectBrandy / #Marketing / #ThingsLikeToDo #Web #it

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mittens the Rat Goes For Some Chinese Take-Out at Cosco in La Jolla.

A Lot of Bloggers are making it out to be such a big deal that Slick Willard the Massachusett's Rat has apparently decided to - at least temporarily - make here in San Diego his current cozy home with Wife Anne.

Willard's been spotted doing everythang from Pumping five dollar per gallon Obama-inflated Gas in La Jolla to shopping for Chinese Goods at the Local Cosco,..


I don't see anything really wrong with what Mitt is doing or how he is Living,..

Mitts' been a winner all his Life: As in, he's always had bundles of money and places to sleep ,..

It's just that he's a bit in shock right now these days as He painfully looks the other way in disbelief at his election loss ( Or theft by ) to Obama ,..

But the irony of Mitt buying a buncha fucking Chinese shit at Cosco doesn't escape me one bit,...

And Now I've been hit with some sad devastating new News !!

Mittens will soon be leaving us here !!



It seems Willie the Rodent has taken some new job back East ,...

I guess he got bored quick doing nothing but relaxin' lately on the La Jolla Beach Sand or hangin' out at the Del Mar Race track area theaters,..

Yes,.. it's time for good ol' Mr. 1 % Mitt to get back to doing the things he loves,...

...ya know ,.. He's gotta get back to filchin' and screwin' those stupid tired and dumb "Little people" ,... ya know ,..that 47%  as Mittens would mumble it,..

And I don't blame Willard really,..

he's kinda right in a way ,..

There are a lotta Pot-headed uneducated dimwits out there to take advantage of and or make fun of and Mitt ain't gonna waste one bit of any time baby !!

he's gettin' right on down back to it ya' all,..

In no time at all, Mitt will turn his 250 Million Dollar Net Worth into 300 Million,..




Mitt's Prolley bummed that he ain't a member of the Billionaire Boys n' Girls  Club right now,..

You Know : That place where only Oprah, Warren Buffett, and Donald the Douchebag dare to venture and reside !!

( Note Here : Most of Donald's Money is Credit Limbo - Donald 'has' no actual money of his own - We keep him Rich so he can be on TV and shit ,..think of him as one of the those Dope-bag musicians signed to some label like Whitney where Clive Davis really has all the Money ) ,...

Yeah - Good ol' Mittens

A Penny earned is a penny saved,..

And a new sucker is born every frickin' DAY !!

Mitt Knows these Golden Rules and it's the mechanics that Put him as "The Guy" to go up against Barack the Chicago Ninny ! ,..And it's also the nuts and bolts to What made HIM LOSE TOO !!

I HATE TO admit it ,... But Romney really was a stuffed shirt stiff who was the epitome of "Out of Touch",..

If ever there was one !!

That being said, he was the absolute best the Gop had to offer the table,..

And he almost Pulled it off and won !!

And,....If the guy had had Marco Rubio as his choice for Vp, He would have 'WON' this thang !!

Now,... that's how close we were to having our first ever Non-Christian president ,..

Now,.. That's Scary !!

Talk about the Illuminati Baby !!

We almost had something WORSE !!!


NOTE; Please Don't ask me how I do it and how I write this fucking Good or where i get this shit from - I understand full well that I am in a League of my own and in a cut way beyond and above everybody or anybody else,..

Now be a Good American ,...

And Go back to Walmart or Target !!

Sucker !!


Further and Final Note; Yeah yeah ,... blah blah ,..Obama Might be Muslim ,..which would have made Mitt the Second Non-Christian Prez ,... but whose counting !!?? Quit Splitting hairs !!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bummish Looking Romney Seen Getting Gas in San Diego - Truly Looking Like a Pathetic Loser.

A Disheveled looking Willard Romney was photographed punping 5 Dollar Per Gallon Obama Gas in San Diego's La Jolla California ( Near me ) recently,..

And it's sad for me to see,..

They say that there is almost nothing weirder than when you Lose the race for President,..

One day, you are the talk of the world, playing before huge excited crowds, giving massive speeches constantly and even to small crowds of cameramen and press,.. Everybody wants a piece of you ,.. and it's been this way for quite a while too ,...

And then suddenly,..

It is all,..


And over cold,..

Just as suddenly, the crowds are gone, and so too are YOU !!

You are certainly NOT Vice-President, Secretary of State, Governor, or anything ,... !! You are Nothing, hidden, way past embarrassed, or any adjective, adverb, or ??

QUICKLY, Nobody cares about you anymore,..
the press and paupers too vanish,..

You cruise around in Murky too-hidden in traffic  limosines ,..

that is if you can afford them ,..and ROMNEY CAN - INDEED !!

YOUR WORLD BECOMES quite depressed and cold, small ,.... beyond empty ,..

and they say it is rumored now that 'this' is happening to Romney,.. all too real INDEED !!

Al Gore got very down and grew a beard ,..before venturing off to do things like form a failed Tv Network and other things,..

....and Romney has now apparently followed a similar suit,...

Romney has gotten Tubby and his hair messy ,...

Some say Romney is quite friendly as he greets folks here in Sunny San Diego,..

But some say Mitt is fat, old, aloof, detracted, detached, stand-offish,  getting more gray than ever,..and he even looks shocked ,..and Quite confused too,..

Mitt doesn't see how he lossed they say,..

And I agree with Mitt: NEITHER DO I !!

To the objective like me, it looks quite fishy ,..

but ,... MITT Lives in an isolated richy rich World where he lets by-gone's be,... They say he hasn't even once raised conspiracy theories that his race was stolen,... He's still too classy in his approach to the wilderness of Political Skid Row -
Maybe he doesn't see it or get this yet !

Well ,..that's because ,..Mitt is stupid !!

Which is something I have long said and more than believed about Mitt,..

And the misery now goes double for Mitt too because much of the Gop thinks like me and they never Liked Mitt anyway ,..and of course NOW MORE THAN EVER !! They've abandoned Mitt and maybe well they should !

And they want nothing more to do with him ever again !!

MITT'S Mormon thing was always a hassle ,..

Mitt's too-Liberal tendencies were always more than an annoyance,..

Yes,.. Mitt is very alone right now - and he can more than feel it !!

The Republican Scene wants no part of the guy ,..Yes 

And the Tea Party just despises him ,..

Always did ,..

Always will ,..

The Core Belt-Way Gop establishment is even shell-shocked and dumb-founded ,..

And they are pissed !! 

But I'm also kinda' sad for Willard the Rat !

Many are asking Why did we run this guy ,..but I say Don't blame Mitt,..

He was all we had,..

We couldn't run that Buffoon from Texas who said Oops ,..

And we couldn't run the black dude who couldn't keep his unit zipped in,..

We couldn't run that Psycopath from Pennsylvania that Looked like Maxwell Smart or the Texas Nutcase that resembled Marshall Applewhite in both mouth and looks,..

We couldn't run the fat old Gray haired Goofball named Newty the Nut !!

And we couldn't Run any of the other Dillholes from Ohio or elsewhere either too,..

We couldn't run Donald the Douchebag - No Way !!

In 2012, we were pretty much screwed,..

We were fucked !!

But it's o.k,.. Like I've been saying,.. Just like other years, we didn't want 2012 anyway,..

And we didn't really try thus,...

Deep down,...we knew we were gonna lose 'cause we wanted to ,..and it might even have sucked if we won with Mitt,..

....he would have been one of those lousy Liberal-Gop Presidents.... Kinda Like GW ,..but way worse !!

Romney would have been printing up 70 trillion and fighting Aids with it and shit like that or sending it to Kenya,.. You just 'know' he would have,..

And I would have hated Romney,..

Romney probably would have flipped on Gay Marriage 'and' Obamacare ,.once he got his meathooks into the White House,..Yeah - YOU JUST KNOW HE WOULD HAVE !!

Romney might even have flipped somewhat on Abortion and other things too ,... You think it ain't true - Yer dreaming Man !!

Romney's Political Career is Over Now,..he ain't part of the 2016 Gop run ,... He may run for Governor somewhere ,,...Maybe Utah ,..but his real big time ambitions are done,..

Romney's got plenty of money to pump the Four and five dollar gas in La Jolla ,... from here on out, He'll only be spotted at places like THERE !


Yes,.. The Gop wants 2014 and a Complete Tea Party Take-Over of our Government and the House "And" Senate "And" as many State Houses as we can gobble up then ,.. AND WE THINK WE KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO DO IT TOMORROW TOO !!

But slowly, I am beginning to say Don't be too sure we can just automatic do this like we did in November 2010 ,... The Dem Voters will be more organized and ready in 2014 , won't be as easy in those days tomorrow !! There will be more Hispanic Voters ready and willing to combat the Tea Party ,..and there will be Black and other minority Voters more focused too ,..

But the good news is,...


DEC 2, 2012